Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 been given to him at baptism ( Luke 3:22 ) ;
2 If Sombro had been referred to me at one of my clinics in England , the problem would have been easy to diagnose and the treatment straightforward .
3 If you are to sit opposite me at table and walk through my house , then I prefer you to look your best , which I know will be very good indeed . ’
4 Lady Elizabeth Campbell , sixteen , gentle , interested in poetry , cuddly , was discussing the matter of her marriage , which had just been broken to her at dinner by her father , Archibald Campbell , Earl of Argyll , King James the Fourth 's Lieutenant of the Isles , chief of Clan Diarmaid ; and her teeth , which were indeed passable , were much in evidence .
5 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
6 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
7 Paul had done less well than had been expected of him at Balliol , not through his own fault .
8 Whatever money 's left over that 's not been committed by you , if they find that they 've got fifteen hundred say , that 's not been committed by you at the end of the financial year , that will automatically go into deposit
9 Obviously she is very upset being left alone in a strange country and we are looking after her at the police station .
10 As a first step you might refuse the plastic bags that are thrust upon you at the supermarket check-out and use boxes to carry home the food .
11 Because she had been detached from it at the most traumatic moments , she had not been caused any distress but was well able to see how the combination of Daniel 's various experiences could have led to her phobia about water .
12 In a bedroom you 're looking for something at one ninety nine or two ninety nine .
13 But that 's because we 're looking at it at close quarters .
14 But they 're waiting for him at the telecottage , a converted school which is due to run out of HIE and BT funding soon and is aiming to become a profitable business , specialising in desk-top publishing , graphic design and printing .
15 ‘ They 're waiting for me at the station . ’
16 " They 're waiting for me at t'mart ! "
17 You 're talking to it at this very moment , you 're talking it out , you 're talking it down , and you want my help .
18 Jessica 's interest is Rory Collins , we 're working on him at the moment .
19 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
20 Gravier 's wife and child and parents had been waiting for him at Acapulco .
21 We ALL want the team to do well and , although results are going against us at present , I feel my policy of rebuilding will , in the long term , bring us success .
22 This includes a good proportion of the population as , in addition to persons currently employed by the state , many others have been employed by it at some earlier stage in their lives .
23 These contained a number of allegations that had never been raised with her at all .
24 However , extracodes are usually distinguished by the fact that operation codes have been allocated to them at the computer hardware design level , either because they will be normal hardwired instructions in some models , or because an instruction requirement has been recognized that is uneconomic to implement in hardware .
25 Today though Her Majesty 's ambassador to Moscow visited Maxat the horse and announced that a home has been found for him at last in the Queen 's household Cavalry .
26 To sum up , in positing an item as an ontological existent we are at the same time by implication positing this item as a potential subject of a non-arbitrary subset of predicates from among an indefinite number of meaningful predicates , and hence as completely determinate with regard to possible descriptions that may be given of it at any given time .
27 There are fewer generally accepted criteria about what environmental adaptations are necessary or desirable for pupils with problems in seeing and some debate as to whether any special attention needs to be given to them at all .
28 It was a pleasure to meet and be enrolled by you at the W/W Show and I 'm glad that the Fellowship is going to be just that .
29 His strength was his obsessive single-mindedness , his refusal to be diverted by what at that moment were secondary issues ( even though they might be issues of far greater importance in the medium or long term ) .
30 The full balance of the holiday cost must be received by us at least 8 weeks before the departure date please note that you will not receive a reminder that final payment is due .
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