Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] any way " in BNC.

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1 A misunderstanding then seems to have occurred with Fimbra writing to its members last week saying that its scheme had not been altered in any way and that members could not renew existing policies if the renewal date was after 1990 .
2 The crop will be examined to ensure that the potatoes have not been altered in any way other than in their new ability to manufacture the lectin protein .
3 They found it had not been modified in any way and could not operate on the 27–28 MHz frequency ( the FM Citizens ' Band ) .
4 That 's probably a set of tyres or something - it 's not a great deal of money in this day and age - but then failure is limited to actual breakage , wear and tear is excluded , it does n't cover the cost of working materials such as gaskets , if the vehicle has been modified in any way it 's excluded , it excludes any personal injury resulting from the breakdown , it covers erm the schedule is invalid if you have not covered the servicing aspects on page ten , the servicing aspects on page ten require you within ten days or two hundred and fifty miles of three thousand miles intervals — most cars now are six thousand mile intervals — to have the oil changed , so there 's a built-in additional service , and so it goes on .
5 ‘ I have never been considered in any way ; it was always yourself .
6 Browsing through the thesaurus allows the user to move between ideas and concepts , on the one hand , and individual terms — either as an alphabetical list , or as separate records in which all the terms that are related in any way are displayed , along with the scope notes .
7 If the purpose of damages is to compensate a victim rather than punish the perpetrator , then a successful plaintiff who passes his award to charity can not be said to have been compensated in any way .
8 Sir : The suggestion of Mr Varcoe-Cocks ( letter , 5 October ) that if I win damages for libel and give them to charity I ‘ can not be said to have been compensated in any way ’ is extraordinary .
9 The old grey wood , though still dampish , looked as adequate for its purpose as its fellows still forming the boathouse floor and did n't seem to have been weakened in any way .
10 If you are disabled in any way ( even if it is only a minor disability it could become worse as you grow older ) then you must view a flat from the point of view of your ease of movement .
11 The belief that different treatment methods are needed for and tried on different populations of sufferers does not stand up to critical examination : the stories of those in recovery from addictive disease through the Anonymous Fellowships are so immensely varied that it is quite clear that this population has not been selected in any way .
12 The plaintiff 's accountant Mr confines himself to quantifying the heads of loss and does n't speak with reference to the er allegations that are made in any way .
13 No club rules have been breached in any way . ’
14 ‘ No , of course there has n't , I 'd have known if Dana had been hurt in any way .
15 Most shops are prepared for your to do this with expensive boots , but do n't expect them to be exchanged if they 've been marked in any way or worn outside !
16 The central ‘ pitch ’ should not , however , be altered in any way .
17 I hope that I did not give the impression that a Bill could be amended in any way at all as that is not so .
18 Now then I was going to ask one simple question and that is , has anyone thought about keep sending postcards to people , er if the , erm reply is going to be delayed in any way , because at least then the person if there 's sufficiently good reference will be able to , phone up and say look you know , yes I 'm not happy , it seems to me that that would be a way forward on that , erm .
19 He should not , therefore , be regarded in any way as an up-market embalmer , but a serious scientist , extending his knowledge , and private curiosity , in perfecting a way to arrest the post-mortem decomposition of the human body by the balanced use of chemicals , spices and herbs .
20 Do battens need to be treated in any way before fixing ?
21 We emphasise once again that , although we can regularly identify such structural markers , their appearance in discourse should not be treated in any way as ‘ rule-governed ’ .
22 I am unable to see why equitable assignments , with this fall-back declaration of trust , ought to be treated in any way differently for compensation purposes than if in place of assignments there had been simple declarations of trust .
23 In drafting a break-clause the draftsman should consider : ( 1 ) the time at which the break-clause may be exercised ; ( 2 ) the manner in which it may be exercised ; ( 3 ) whether the circumstances in which the break-clause may be exercised should be limited in any way ; ( 4 ) the effect on other parts of the lease of the inclusion of a break-clause. ( a ) Time of exercise A break-clause is a species of option properly so called .
24 It must be deployed also on the hitherto comparatively neglected first four years of the reign , that brief part of her life which is the only one which can be considered in any way typical for a reigning monarch .
25 The box did n't appear to be hampered in any way by the ornamental rug draped roguishly over it , nor by the thief hanging by one arm from the lid .
26 While the DUC itself had amassed information and expertise by now to undertake this study itself , it realized that the report would have to be produced from outside the community if it was to have legitimacy or to be seen in any way as neutral : ‘ We in the Committee felt that we knew enough to write the report ourselves but we also felt that it would n't be acceptable to the County Council so we had to get somebody else to do it ’ .
27 This can be done in any way you please , but once the order is chosen , it stays fixed .
28 ‘ They have a very complex structure and at first sight they appear not to be connected in any way , ’ said Professor Mann .
29 It never hurts to give an extra and helpful bit of information to your friends in the media which may not be connected in any way to your client .
30 Wheeler did not care to be connected in any way with anything which was at all unconventional .
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