Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [that] [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 Fat women risk so much more than thin women when starting a sexual relationship , because we are taught that we are not capable of inspiring love or lust : we have forfeited the right to be sexual because our bodies are incompatible with desire .
2 The Los Angeles communities are demanding that they are policed and patrolled by individuals who live in the community and the commanding officers by ten-year residents of the community in which they serve .
3 It has been stressed that there are strong forces in favour of the maintenance of existing policy , and that many new initiatives are in fact derived from concerns not so much to innovate as to correct the imperfections of existing policies .
4 Further to the last issue , you are reminded that we are organising a seminar for SME 's and firms new to ESPRIT on the 31 January 1991 .
5 During an introductory lecture the students are reminded that they are entitled to their teaching , and compliance with completing the diaries is high .
6 It has been claimed that there are further situations in which consent will be irrelevant to a prosecution under Categories 1 and 2 .
7 It has been seen that there are a number of criminal offences relating to advertising .
8 In contrast under the CPA 1987 , it has already been seen that there are different rules relating to each part of the statute .
9 You 're saying that there are certain things which are , maybe words which are alternatives or part of
10 So , basically , you 're saying that there are these cuts and that 's going to mean the quality of life in the homes is going to go downhill .
11 ‘ You 're saying that you are n't involved with Harry Martin ? ’
12 Clearly state that , we 're assuming that you are going to divide er divert the footpath , we 're not going to .
13 It is all very well for us to sit here and tell teachers to go on extra courses , but they 're finding that there are n't any left , so the next thing that they can turn to the next person they can turn to is the educational psychologist .
14 I am told that there are some very well coloured philander being sold at present , so it may be that there is a mistake in identity here .
15 I am told that there are ten thousand dead and wounded on the battlefield .
16 The Government said then that although they have been told that they are in the wrong , they will do nothing about it .
17 I did ask whether the Association of Chief Police Officers have been told that they are going to they are likely to have to take over many of the responsibilities of the British Transport Police as from the first of April .
18 Yeah you 've always been told you 've always been told that they are .
19 You 've just been told that you are to take over the job of manager for O A Z Company Limited .
20 At the time of writing this column , we have been told that there are in the Gulf both the largest and the second largest oil slicks in the history of the world .
21 But as I say I do n't necessarily want to get involved in too much of the detail of the statistics of it , I simply want to make the overall point that we 've been told that there are three thousand unemployed .
22 Trainees are told that they are salesmen and not investment advisers or analysts .
23 Demoralising as the threat of redundancy may be , therefore , all is not necessarily lost even when you are told that you are among those who will have to leave .
24 In geography , pupils are told that there are 21 Newcastles in the UK .
25 We are told that there are two categories which must be kept absolutely apart .
26 No off-worlder has ever been inside any of them , but we are told that there are caverns , vaults within vaults , like those ancient puzzles where ever opened box reveals another , smaller box .
27 We are told that there are procedures — and I accept the need for them — but when the matter goes to the local council 's planning department , it is argued that there are strong grounds for allowing the application .
28 We are told that there are 28,000 qualified district nurses and health visitors .
29 Through the witness of the apostles and the witness of the Spirit ( now seen as Accuser ) , men are shown that they are wrong with their moralistic ideas of sin : sin is essentially the refusal to commit themselves to Jesus , God 's saviour .
30 Interesting buildings are not confined to the ancient , ornate or foreign ; we are shown that there are plenty of ideas on our own doorstep !
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