Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [was/were] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Duncan realized the number he had been given was a direct line to the trade section .
2 I decided to apply for some help , so my daughter Lilya ( Aliki ) and I wrote a letter to Andropov and Brezhnev , and I explained in these letters that what had been stolen was a large number of works from the collection that I had intended to give to the Tretyakov Gallery .
3 You do n't expect players to be warned for excessive aggression at this level , but they were , and the first to be admonished was an old hand at listening to finger pointing lectures .
4 Like all long-term coughers he had developed a noise-reducing technique , and all that could be heard was a chuck-chuck-chuck sound that would go on for long minutes at a time , gradually winding down like a clockwork drummer until every scrap of air was squeezed out of his poor concrete lungs .
5 In the minds of those who gave positive thought to it , the Commonwealth was to be an organization to which no one who was unwilling need apply , and in which those who had joined were to reach their decisions on the basis of consensus : the goal to be pursued was an uncoerced acknowledgement of Britain as the senior partner in a world-wide enterprise ; the position to be sought was the supremely equivocal but potentially supreme satisfying one of primus inter pares .
6 First to be built was a concrete block-house , reinforced with metal struts , which it soon became apparent was a large pill-box to protect whatever it was that was going to go up .
7 In Siskina , the plaintiff 's major claim for compensation was not itself justiciable in England ; Lord Diplock pointed out that to argue in effect that it could be treated as justiciable because , if it were , an interlocutory injunction might be granted was a logical fallacy , petitio principii ( pulling oneself up by one 's own bootstraps ) .
8 By contrast , in the same case it was held that once the council had decided that the applicant was entitled to be housed , the right to be housed was a private law right which did not have to be enforced by AJR procedure , but could be enforced in a tort action for breach of statutory duty in the County Court .
9 During the nineteenth century to be noticed was good fortune , while to be praised was a professional advantage .
10 The Kodak laboratories of my eidesis were being dismantled ; soon all that would be left was an out-of-order passport-photo-booth , mouldering on an empty station platform .
11 The first of these to be discovered was a gigantic carnivore from the Jurassic rocks of Stonesfield , Oxfordshire , which Buckland described in 1824 under the name Megalosaurus ( great lizard ) .
12 Another detail to be purchased was a small doorstop , as the final location for the tank is behind a door , which could otherwise bump into the stand .
13 While the exercise about to be described was a theoretical model , not an empirical test , its results indicate that positive NPV opportunities probably do exist in some ‘ cash cows ’ and that an integration of DCF and portfolio-grid analyses may lead to a more careful and sophisticated use of portfolio grids .
14 I also find an enduring quote from a friend of mine , a Pathfinder , who makes this comment : " The way all my crew were picked was a sheer gamble , I think , therefore , I was exceedingly lucky . "
15 However , the fact that what was being sought was an interim order undoubtedly coloured the judge 's approach .
16 The room in the workhouse where the boys were fed was a large stone hall , and at one end the master and two women served the food .
17 The great galvanised iron shed where the valves were made was a cacophonous and tumultuous place , full of Stakhanovite workers torturing plugs of super-heavy metal with screaming drill bits .
18 The context in which these comments were made was an unusual one .
19 Forty percent of consultants questioned said fear of being sued was a key factor .
20 He said nothing to me about my fears for my sanity and behaved as if what we were doing were a common exercise , undertaken for purely scientific purposes .
21 Caught up in the performance , few people seemed to wonder whether what they were hearing was an accurate account of the affair .
22 What criteria should any experiment we made try to meet to satisfy the claim that the process we were studying was a necessary , sufficient and possibly even specific aspect of the memory formation process ?
23 Germany 's peculiar reward for being beaten was an economic miracle financed mainly by American aid and nursed by armies of occupation .
24 ‘ The holiday we were featuring was a Sovereign Cities ‘ Away-Day ’ to Amsterdam and , as we had a lot to see and do in one day , we had to set out early .
25 What had been devised was a swept wing with reflex ( washout ) at the tips as found in the majority of free-flying tailless aeroplanes .
26 One of the girl 's knocked the handbrake off and the next thing the Hurcombe 's heard was a loud bang .
27 One task the SD was given was a comprehensive survey of London .
28 In a letter to the court , Barwick said he was told that the part of the Esk where he was caught was a free stretch and that there were some good catches to be had there .
29 Typically , as soon as the minister or other speech maker had finished on each occasion , the media would leave , and the following day all that was reported was an edited version of the speech .
30 The young man who was hanged was a special friend of Claudia .
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