Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [coord] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He then telephoned the shop and warned the staff that two bombs had been placed and would explode within 10 minutes .
2 Moreover , in January 1991 it was announced that the tests for 7 year olds had been modified and would take up half of teaching time for three weeks .
3 Had it been , Bingham says , ‘ it seems likely that all concerned would have embarked on a group restructuring programme with a much fuller investigation and understanding of the malpractice which had existed in the past and of the level of support required , or that the bank would have been closed or would have collapsed there and then ’ .
4 The Emperor had been born and would die in what was called the Galactic Paradise .
5 It is essential that a transmitter can be inactivated as soon as it has conveyed its message ; if it were not so , the system would be clogged or would receive needless repetitions of the same message .
6 Thus the matter inside the black hole would be trapped and would collapse to some unknown state of very high density .
7 Colleagues in local government have been saying for some time that the Government have said that , at some point , the revenue collection services in local authorities would be privatised and would go out to tender .
8 Asylum seekers would be fingerprinted and would have to remain in " reception centres " until their case was decided .
9 It would help to reduce the caseload and so permit the conditions of the Patient 's Charter to be met and would make it possible for consultants to be more involved in the routine care of patients , both emergency and elective , and so diminish the responsibilities of junior doctors for service commitment .
10 Accordingly , he believes , as do many other polytechnic directors , that by giving their institution charters to award degrees and other qualifications within carefully defined limits , substantial savings in time and resources would result and their distinctive approach to higher education would be affirmed and would find its fullest expression .
11 What emerged was a scheme which struggled to combine the advantages of size with the effective intimacy of small communities , in which each pupil would be known and would count .
12 I have no doubt that a brilliant article will appear but I am not at all fooled that someone of your peculiar talents would either be asked or would agree to such an easy exercise .
13 All Protestant politicians were agreed that , in theory , Protestants should be allowed to march anywhere in Ulster and there was agreement that marches should not be banned or re-routed simply because nationalists would be offended or would attack the marchers .
14 The impact of that on Leeds residents perception of the migration opportunities is quite different quite different from a new settlement on a very accessible corridor which would have to be promoted and would have to be built quickly to be to present itself as a successful venture .
15 Coverage of non-deposit creditors would be eliminated and would continue to be denied to deposits in the foreign branches of US banks .
16 He hoped the position could be improved and would await a letter of explanation from the SAC with interest .
17 The extra energy of the unbroken symmetry state would then be released and would reheat the universe to a temperature just below the critical temperature for symmetry between the forces .
18 Although I do not have a magic wand , I hope to be able to establish some means of providing the physical back-up that you would like to receive from the Society and to start the ball rolling I am compiling a list of all the ways in which you have been supported or would like to have been supported , in the past plus suggestions for the future .
19 A further 22 arrested in the raid on Friday , and 51 detained on the Tottenham estate in the week leading up to it , had been charged and would appear in court at a later date .
20 The requirements which would be entailed by a access onto Drum Brae Terrace as an alternative have been discussed and would require to be assessed in relation to the likely traffic movements .
21 In response , it was stated that , while no one can give a 100% guarantee on employment discrimination , the Fair Employment Commission would continue to take up cases where employers were discriminating and would win .
22 About half the farmers interviewed would consider changing to another enterprise if farm incomes were to drop and would require training to provide the new competence .
23 The Minister said that he understood the points that we were making and would undertake a close examination to find out what information could be made available .
24 Nevertheless conditions in which limited but often intense urban nationalism would flourish were being created and would provide a catalyst of future revolution ; although for a long time fears that educated Vietnamese would rise up against their French masters were certainly not encouraged by the numbers of children in school .
25 It may have been that writers felt that every variation in their particular game had been played , but recognised that a public appetite for detection had been created and would repay feeding .
26 Janet , tiptoeing out into the hall when Penman had opened the door , said that Aunt Emily was resting and would come down at tea-time .
27 I had no idea what I was typing and would leave the office each day disorientated and dizzy with the effort .
28 It would ensure that the tunnel was completed and would give the banks much more direct access to the project and its long-term rewards .
29 Freud thought that such a process was occurring and would continue , and that people would have to learn to live without sacred meaning and infantile religiosity .
30 Joachim reassured him that he was needed and would have God on his side .
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