Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [coord] it will " in BNC.

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1 More than the 21 required signatories have already been gathered and it will be presented to Forest chairman Fred Reacher .
2 ‘ It may sound a crackpot idea to transfer the Northern Ireland Milk Cup to Jersey , but I can confirm that a serious approach has been made and it will be respected as such when we meet to discuss it , ’ said spokesman Jim Sandford .
3 Every fact and circumstance must be considered and it will probably be seldom that any single one is determinative .
4 ‘ A minerals and waste local plan is about to be prepared and it will form the basis for the control and location of quarries and landfill sites in the county for the next 20 years , ’ said CLA regional secretary Jolyon Dodgson .
5 ‘ It can be done and it will be done .
6 The hard disk can be reused but it will need a new AT controller card .
7 The green shoots of recovery may now be twitching but it will be a long time before the unemployment figures level off .
8 During this stage Offline will request the appropriate media item to be mounted and it will copy the modules from the media item into the original LIFESPAN storage directory , from where they will be copied into the user 's directory .
9 A CUSTOMER entity may be defined and it will have a number of attributes associated with it , such as ‘ number ’ , ‘ name ’ , ‘ address ’ , ‘ credit-limit ’ , ‘ balance ’ and so on .
10 The rudder will certainly be overbalanced and it will require far more force to apply the full opposite rudder than at any other time in flight .
11 Name 's style and independence will be retained and it will continue to operate as an independent subsidiary ;
12 One thing I 've learnt in the last half hour is the speed at which the rules of debate seem to be changing and it will not surprise you to hear that as Mr Allenby and Harrogate District Council have moved towards Professor Lock 's point of view , they have moved away from the Civic Society 's point of view .
13 The solution will be implemented and it will last .
14 The purchaser will also normally be treated as a new applicant for listing , its securities will be suspended and it will be required to publish listing particulars .
15 An investigation has been started and it will continue until , well , the file is closed .
16 New trees are being planted but it will take a very long time to repair the damage .
17 Geographical separation between those solicitors and staff continuing to deal with the case and those who have previously been involved on the other side is recommended and it will be essential to extract appropriate undertakings from all such personnel .
18 Where the Training Agency is involved , it will ensure that quality is maintained and it will not fund Compacts which fall short of the mark .
19 If the authority was under a duty to make a decision on the matters in issue between the parties , this duty will revive when the decision is quashed and it will then be for the authority to make a fresh decision .
20 Do not disturb a caterpillar while it is moulting or it will not be able to complete the process properly and may die .
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