Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 While the political literati lay waste to vast tracts of newsprint in their musings about the causes of Labour 's failure , and the shortcomings of the political system that compounded it , those people who constitute what ought to be the bedrock of oppositional electoral support are becoming increasingly alienated not only from the Labour Party , but from the entire political process .
2 well you 've been occupied here have n't you
3 It might possibly have been convoked earlier had not Luther urged that a general Council , to which the pope would be compelled to submit , should decide for or against his Ninety-Five Theses , thus reviving the spectre of conciliarism .
4 look at some the points , I 've heard , I 've been heckled yesterday do n't heckle me this week the section of level funding .
5 Some of that 's been done though has n't it ?
6 She does n't know we 're going so do n't let it slip
7 I do n't think it 's , they 're going before do n't think he 's going before Tuesday .
8 Er I mean it brings it about the same price as we 're paying anyway does n't it ?
9 Sometimes I 've er Okay so it seems like it seems like a terrific amount to think about while you 're standing here does n't it as well as thinking about what you 're actually the content of what you 're actually going to say .
10 goes to show it 's been used then do n't it ?
11 The thing that , you see I was going to send off for a pair of gloves cos I ca n't find my thermal , but when I looked on and saw all the bits and bobs of paper that come , there was n't erm , little slip you get with a pound off , for postage and packing , which I 've been getting recently have n't you ? for erm
12 I am known yet do not exist at all .
13 And Manchester City are doing well do n't forget .
14 And if the spring is late , like this year , then the supplies of hay that the women gathered all autumn from the steepest slopes where the grass grew longer because it could n't be grazed just do n't last out .
15 In practice , however , the decision as to what emission standard is to be adopted inevitably considers not only economic and technological aspects but the effects of air pollution on human health and the environment , as well as the political climate and public opinion .
16 So it all had to be organized really did n't it ?
17 But just because something can be used wrongly does n't mean that it is wrong in itself .
18 ‘ Until last October authorities were expecting this money to be ringfenced so did not consider this client group when they were consulting and drawing up their assessment models , ’ he said .
19 That the latter seems to be chosen overwhelmingly testifies not to the existence of coercion , but to careful selection procedures for placing persons in corporate positions coupled with successful methods of persuading them that their interests and the corporation 's interests happily coincide — or at least , that that is the most sensible , pragmatic way of looking at it .
20 So instead they hedge their comments and the end result is the person being appraised still does not know what the organization thinks of them .
21 We can conclude that so far the law 's quest to subject the power conferred on corporate managers to controls to prevent it from being exercised arbitrarily has not been successful .
22 Being restricted here does not make me a special case , though .
23 ‘ Looks like something has been killed there does n't it , ’ she exclaimed Then she noticed the boys grinning .
24 By the same argument , the way such factors are constructed discursively does not always correspond to the role which they play in other , non-discursive , forms of racial discrimination .
25 A lawful act which is performed carelessly does not automatically become an unlawful act for this purpose , even if a lawful act done carelessly amounts to an offence ( e.g. careless driving ) : Andrews v DPP , above .
26 The life he 's leaving really has n't been worth living . ’
27 A change in circumstances that could not have been predicted exactly does not mean that planning was incorrect in the first place .
28 These have been undone though have n't they ?
29 The strength with which particular potentially contradictory relationships are held together depends not only on the amount of objective ‘ fit ’ between the components but also on the strength of the articulating principle involved , which is in turn connected with objective social factors .
30 I told you that I was punned today did n't I ?
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