Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The boys are naturally worried and they have been phoning home to find out more about the situation , ’ Mathur said .
2 The model of mental functioning we have been elaborating here shows clearly that the evolutionary direction in higher organisms has been particularly focused in the development of cognition .
3 Two examples are given here to illustrate how socially useful design could make a fuller and more creative use of new technologies .
4 PEOPLE savaged by the tabloids are banding together to fight back .
5 Speaking of exploitation , students of the genre might care to consider Trapper County War ( Guild ) , an archetypal example of the backwoods nightmare , set in one of those supposed hillbilly communities where the locals , when not spitting out tobacco or imprecations , are banding together to hunt down interlopers and blast them to bits .
6 He put out his arms and caught her and held her , and they stood there on the gravel path in the grounds of Hilderbridge General Hospital , embraced as if they had long been lovers and had known each other with profound emotion and physical joy and had been parted only to meet again now , by chance , so felicitously .
7 The teeth on these tools are formed individually to slice off slivers of wood quickly and easily .
8 Immobile in his throne on Earth , that godly paragon who was so old that his personal name had long been forgotten both beamed out a beacon and sensed the flow of Chaos , through which his starships must swim and out of which could congeal … abominations .
9 In the last chapter we discussed Giddens 's notion of time-space distantiation ; the idea that social life and social processes are becoming increasingly stretched over both time and space .
10 While the political literati lay waste to vast tracts of newsprint in their musings about the causes of Labour 's failure , and the shortcomings of the political system that compounded it , those people who constitute what ought to be the bedrock of oppositional electoral support are becoming increasingly alienated not only from the Labour Party , but from the entire political process .
11 well you 've been occupied here have n't you
12 When the young are older , able to run with her , the vixen shepherds them to their new home , induces them to move in and somehow makes sure that they are disciplined enough to stay underground in this new home even when she is not with them .
13 Consultants ' leaders are expected today to agree how results will be given to hospital managers .
14 PLA2 has been considered earlier to act mainly as a harmful agent in the pathology of various inflammatory diseases including acute pancreatitis .
15 It might possibly have been convoked earlier had not Luther urged that a general Council , to which the pope would be compelled to submit , should decide for or against his Ninety-Five Theses , thus reviving the spectre of conciliarism .
16 look at some the points , I 've heard , I 've been heckled yesterday do n't heckle me this week the section of level funding .
17 But for me it fails to provide an easily understandable route to the basic explanations which are lurking there wrapped up in just too much verbiage to be really accessible .
18 Some of that 's been done though has n't it ?
19 ‘ I really have n't had a chance to press my claims and I sincerely believe I am pushing uphill to get back into the side for a long time . ’
20 But the warnings of Lord Brightman seem to have been made more to discourage even the modest number of applications than to respond to excessive use .
21 ‘ The Maktowms have been big spenders at Newmarket , but they have never been made really welcome there , ’ an insider told me .
22 In general has ten independent components so that when these eight constraints are imposed there remain just two independent components of .
23 During that time he has been pushing hard to make up any lost ground .
24 I found the door unlocked as I had given my master the key before I left ; the light was poor but I could see nothing had been disturbed so lay down on the bed , pulling the curtains around me .
25 The main way that people are selected today remains almost exclusively through a combination of the application form and the interview .
26 We 're goin' there to pick up some of your clothes . ’
27 ‘ You 're looking absolutely terrified right this minute .
28 She does n't know we 're going so do n't let it slip
29 I do n't think it 's , they 're going before do n't think he 's going before Tuesday .
30 Er I mean it brings it about the same price as we 're paying anyway does n't it ?
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