Example sentences of "[be] [noun] to [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some result from experiences or preferences , and are reactions to our fears or those we feel are some kind of threat to us .
2 But there was more to it than that : as the only daughter and elder sister to Nathan and Matthew , she had become far more involved in the running of the household , and had been witness to her mother 's frequent pregnancies , miscarriages and confinements .
3 The Richardson boys had been visitors to her house for a long time .
4 It said quite plainly , there will be trouble , mademoiselle , and Jenna followed Marguerite into the house that had been home to her father for all those years .
5 Her destiny would have been marriage to her brother , then aged 9 .
6 ‘ Adaptations ’ are changes to your home to help you to get about or to manage better .
7 These are changes to your UK airport ( except between Gatwick and Heathrow ) , resort area , time or departure or return by more than 12 hours , and the offering of accommodation with a lower official classification .
8 Abundance thus rapidly acquired by those who were ignorant of its proper application hastened the progress of luxury and licentiousness , and the lower orders were almost universally corrupted by profusion and depravity scarcely to be credited by those who are strangers to our district .
9 If word reached Meredith Putt that there had been witnesses to his crime Seb would be in great danger .
10 there may be disruption to your friendships and relationships
11 ‘ Then be queen to my king ! ’
12 For one griffoun there will be flynge to his nest a great hors , or two oxen yoked togidre … he hath talouns so grete upon his feet … so that men maken cuppes of hem to drynke of …
13 She buy for Pablo and me a house with furniture , and she consent to be godmother to our child . ’
14 ‘ I know anything you discover will only be grist to your mill ! ’
15 Whatever the bodyservant picks up may be grist to his master 's mill .
16 This one simple example had shown the woman in question , and the group , that people could change and did not have to be slaves to their anxiety .
17 But they will always be cuties to their mums — and Hello ! readers .
18 Both Mrs Thatcher and Mr Kinnock are widely perceived to be liabilities to their parties .
19 The Fife MPs , Mr Brown , Rachel Squire , Henry McLeish , Lewis Mooney and Menzies Campbell , were assured by Mr Aitken that an idea by Devonport for Rosyth to refit oil tankers would not be material to his decision about the nuclear contract .
20 If , on the other hand , you want to make it more likely that there will be agreement to your idea then the next behaviour is a safer bet .
21 The rest will remain , under Bishop Malduin , to be pastors to their flock . ’
22 The drystone walls on Leck Fell , Gragareth and elsewhere are memorials to their skill and industry .
23 I suppose that comments like that are music to your ears ?
24 But there are limits to its tolerance .
25 Like that there are limits to my self-control … ’
26 There are limits to my craziness . ’
27 Further suppose that he had tried Kant 's remedy of being kind to his dogs , only to discover that it served merely to fan the flames of his misanthropy .
28 As well as being kind to your skin , regrowth is slower and finer and the wax has a slight exfoliant effect by removing dead flaky cells , leaving it clean and glowing .
29 There were details to her description she could have known no other way . ’
30 He went on to say that the use of non-book resources was one aspect in which hoped-for developments had not taken place , and this is typical of the awareness that , despite general satisfaction with the project , there were limits to its success .
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