Example sentences of "[be] [noun] in which [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although both washing and washing up are activities in which dirt is removed from objects , the pleasure inherent in washing seems to be greater .
2 The process usually involves the stimulation of indigenous subsurface microorganisms to degrade chemicals on-site , although there have been cases in which microorganisms with some specialised metabolic capabilities have been added .
3 There are cases in which prosecutions failed because the nuisance did not interfere with a sufficient number of the public .
4 These are units in which 90% or more of the land is classified as rough grazing .
5 May , June and August are months in which romance and relationships feature prominently , although for most of the year you may find yourself debating whether a commitment is worth making or abiding by .
6 First , it is mainly concerned with English law and with English governmental , legal and political institutions : despite the fact that in constitutional and governmental terms the United Kingdom is , for many purposes , a single unit , there are respects in which Scotland and Northern Ireland deserve separate treatment which they will not receive .
7 As we shall see in a moment , however , there are respects in which similarities are overwhelming .
8 She considers whether it is true to claim that there is a sex-related divergence of views , and the possible reasons for any such divergence , and goes on to suggest that there are areas in which women 's views may typically differ from those of men .
9 Music and sport are areas in which blacks have made the most celebrated and acclaimed contribution .
10 Architecture and art are areas in which disorder may be deliberately generated by creating forms and relationships that have no precedent for the express purpose of attaining a new , higher level of orderliness .
11 In addition there are circumstances in which disclosure is permissible .
12 ‘ We do not think it is possible to deny that there are circumstances in which individuals may justifiably choose to enter into a homosexual relationship ... [ although ] such a relationship could not be regarded as the moral or social equivalent of marriage . '
13 But , yeah , I take your analogy that there are plays in which time , or the gods , or God sort things out .
14 Erm the parts of the country where things have been a bit flat seem to be the north and the south west and both of those are regions in which export orders received fell in the previous two surveys so that seems to be consistent although in the north they seem to have picked up somewhat in this survey erm and optimism is also erm er stronger in this survey than it was in the previous one .
15 To justify his view that there are ways in which things might have been different while at the same time avoiding voluntarism , Poulantzas argues that there are two sources of valid counterfactuals .
16 There are ways in which parents can encourage their growing children to make right choices in life .
17 There are ways in which mutation and natural selection together can lead , over the long span of geological time , to a building up of complexity that has more in common with addition than with subtraction .
18 They are beyond the visible spectrum but we do not have to make our observations with the naked eye and there are ways in which y-rays can be detected to form an image pattern .
19 There are ways in which Sylvia still feels implicated in the abuse : she talks of ’ my sexual relationship with my father ’ ; ’ sharing a house and a crime ’ ; and ’ forgiving my father so I can forgive myself ’ .
20 However , there have been situations in which troops have been used , the most frequent being industrial disputes and antistate violence beyond the powers of the police to control .
21 They maintain that there could be circumstances in which disobedience is justified even though the law itself does not admit that it is .
22 Therefore the signal extraction problem will yield different solutions depending upon the economic environment : economies with highly volatile aggregate demand movements will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a high proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock ; economies with highly stable aggregate demand will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a low proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock .
23 Therefore the signal extraction problem will yield different solutions depending upon the economic environment : economies with highly volatile aggregate demand movements will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a high proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock ; economies with highly stable aggregate demand will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a low proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock .
24 Indeed , there have been decisions in which management 's right to reorganise in a way contrary to the explicit terms of employee 's contracts has been interpreted even more liberally .
25 It is not clear whether they are issues in which Marx was ever really involved ; if he had been , then it would seem likely that they would have played a more important role in his later work .
26 There were cases in which bishops were appointed in opposition to the will of a ruler , as when Dynamius , the patrician of Provence , appointed Marcellus as bishop of Uzès , despite royal support for Jovinus .
27 In mechanics there were interactions in which momentum ( mv ) was conserved , and others in which vis viva ( mv 2 ) was unchanged ; but down to the middle of the nineteenth century there was no principle of the same generality as that which Lavoisier had made into the foundation of chemistry .
28 That evening and the next day there were speeches in which Sturge and Birmingham received particular notice .
29 This was largely because these were areas in which planning authorities were aimed at containing urban growth and preserving open country .
30 All the items listed in section 2 were matters in which truth or falsity could be established as a matter of fact .
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