Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He then telephoned the shop and warned the staff that two bombs had been placed and would explode within 10 minutes .
2 ‘ It 's much easier for a company to run a standard operating system on a telephone switching system , ’ says Price , ‘ because the systems management stuff has already been developed and can run on it too . ’
3 Biochemists are therefore interested in the compounds that make up cells and organisms , and how they are formed and can interact .
4 ‘ Billions of pounds have been squandered that could have been invested in energy conservation and the development of alternatives . ’
5 DOA ( 15 Buena Vista 12 Oct ) is another remake , this time of a 1949 film noir , starting well as Dennis Quaid discovers he has been poisoned and will die within 24 hours : the initials stand for Dead On Arrival .
6 Moreover , in January 1991 it was announced that the tests for 7 year olds had been modified and would take up half of teaching time for three weeks .
7 Directives and decisions shall be notified to those to whom they are addressed and shall take effect upon such notification . ’
8 If being Maori were a significant variable this might arise because of an inherent effect of being Maori or because there are other confounding variables that have not been considered that could explain the difference between Maori and non-Maori children .
9 These are purposedesigned and should conform to BS AU 185 .
10 Machines have been built that can add , subtract , multiply and divide ; and do other quite difficult calculations in arithmetic .
11 The type we are looking for must have two edges , and a central rib . ’
12 Industry will have to pay for the licences they are granted and will have a duty to reduce pollution and render their discharges harmless .
13 They have access to the villages that have been bombed and can see that civilian targets have been hit by Turkish air force planes that are bombing northern Iraq .
14 In a letter to the Australian Stock Exchange , the company said it would ‘ vigorously oppose the appointment that has been made and will do everything in its power to have the receivership rescinded . ’
15 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
16 Nor is there any sense in banning strikes ‘ temporarily ’ , since the economic crisis which gives rise to labour unrest is anything but temporary , and the radical measures of economic reform ( such as market prices ) which might ultimately solve this crisis have not yet been adopted and will take years to yield results .
17 Just as body and mind are linked , and each can affect the other , so the home and the feminine psyche are connected and will interact .
18 However , the skin does tend to become more sensitive when you 're expecting and may react adversely to certain products .
19 It is how the facts are used that should form the touchstone of our discussion .
20 His view is that consumers should be told the whole truth : ‘ If the public wants fish fingers made up of minced fish that 's OK , so long as they are told and can make up their own minds .
21 Things have moved on application details have been supplied and will continue to be .
22 Turning to the dramatic developments in East European countries , the Labour leader warned that the taste of freedom their people had been yearning for would turn sour unless they gained material advancement .
23 The person you are caring for must come into one of the following categories :
24 During this disintegration , particles of energy are ejected that can smash into our body cells causing damage that can lead cancer mutations .
25 A full programme under the general title of ‘ Investing in the Future ’ has now been produced and will investigate current issues such as direct supply to schools , educational book provision , property management , electronic communication and book marketing .
26 Had it been , Bingham says , ‘ it seems likely that all concerned would have embarked on a group restructuring programme with a much fuller investigation and understanding of the malpractice which had existed in the past and of the level of support required , or that the bank would have been closed or would have collapsed there and then ’ .
27 However , they can be helpful in attracting other sources of finance once the project has been approved and will finance supporting infrastructure .
28 The meetings have now been re-arranged and will take place on : WEDNESDAY 29TH JULY
29 The following practices have been noted and should cease forthwith : Missiles thrown at the police should not be picked up and thrown back as once the missile has hit the ground it is deemed ‘ out of play ’ .
30 In some cases statistical techniques ( regression analysis ) are employed that may use past expenditure on particular services as a proxy for need .
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