Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 It has been said that he gave too much of himself in his idealistic way , and that the ‘ political football ’ aspects of the CBC in eastern Canada , where he was finally transferred , caused a breakdown in health and his early retirement .
2 Addicts do n't stop what they 're doing because someone gives them a talking to .
3 you can write down these words , that would then be given you a clue things that you could be saying to your customers , where , right , if you start thinking about the job that you 're doing and I give you the word where , right you think of the number of times you can use the word where , with a customer , right
4 Whatever may be the limits of Article 235 , and it has been noted that it gave rise , even before the Community acquired its express environmental competence , to legislation on the conservation of wild birds , examples can be found of the development of what would appear to be new Community policies , without even a reference to Article 235 .
5 Companies will be punished unless they give their employees financial incentives to commute by bus , car-pool , or by rapid-transit rail lines not yet built .
6 They must not be forgotten for they gave their lives in defence of values which are under more bitter attack now all over the world than ever before . ’
7 What I hope to have shown , which is consistent with a certain tentativeness about what has been said , and with incompleteness , is that we do have a grasp of both dependent and independent conditionals , which grasp can be clarified and which gives to us an explicit understanding of the seven causal connections that were set out .
8 There is a road along the glen to its head and , although the sight and sound of motor cars in places of quiet beauty is always a disturbing distraction , the road in Glen Nevis must be accepted because it gives an opportunity to inactive or disabled visitors to see the natural wonders and splendours of this spectacular defile between high mountain ranges .
9 We believe that only the best is good enough for Britain , and that the best will only be accomplished if we give the British people the freedom and the opportunity they need to succeed .
10 For one thing , you 're not the only one who 'll be affected if I give that story about the poison pen letter to the press .
11 And according to one teacher , who fears she might be victimised if she gives her name , only one of the two teachers taken on at her school for a total of 48 four-year-olds , was actually trained to teach under-fives .
12 I suppose I should be flattered that you gave me an ‘ A ’ — though I 'd be better pleased if you thought enough of me to send my flowers in person , instead of by remote control .
13 We also see on page one , three , four and this is something you also mentioned Mr that if you 've got certain costs they will be covered and you gave a number of examples , one of them you said , er , we were covered by insurance
14 The Geophagus will tolerate London tap , but the Crenicara filamentosa and the Rams are doomed unless you give them the right conditions .
15 Her tears were easing and she gave a long gurgling sniff , reaching , it seemed , deep into her empty body .
16 She tried to grin back at him , but suddenly , unaccountably , her teeth were chattering and she gave an enormous , involuntary shudder .
17 Er in the U K we 've held our market position and it 's been a a pretty desperate market we were one of the few if not the only book seller who refused to er to yield better discount terms er , on the threat of er every , every book seller was every er publisher was threatened with erm not being stocked unless we gave bigger discounts .
18 However the main services are covered and it gives an idea of facilities and help available to teachers when undertaking research .
19 Harriet 's explaining that she gives a service , something about helping people realize their dreams .
20 But , given that there is government money available for training , the local community should have more say about what type of training is needed and who gives it .
21 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
22 What a voter is saying when he gives his first-preference vote to a particular candidate of a particular party is , " I want this candidate , of this party , to be elected " .
23 A mother insists on her small son 's going to bed at a certain time , in spite of all his protests , because she knows he needs enough sleep to keep healthy and alert ; but in his view , she is insisting that he gives up his happy play , cutting him off from the rest of the family , for no good reason .
24 And as there is n't the money available to do it at full commercial price , in my view we should go for what they call cross-subsidy , that is to say that they give erm planning permission on a plot for some commercial housing on which the landowner can make some money , and in , a condition of that would be that part of that plot would be made available for low cost housing .
25 My national insurance stamp has not been paid since I gave up work to look after mother .
26 Mr Heselton , an Independent on Whitby Town Council , was dismissed after he gave a customer he knew a free bottle of barbecue fluid , valued at £1 .
27 Now it seemed to me that one thousand six hundred was initially as a result of survey work or shall we say investigation into the housing waiting list carried out by the York housing department , and I have to say that I have a certain respect for the York housing department , and they have a certain reasonable and good reputation within the region as a housing department , and so there seems to me that there is a gr a there is a potential to underestimate er the the affordable requirement that 's been put to you , another point erm I 'd just like perhaps to seek a little clarification from Mr Curtis , was was unfortunately I was looking something else up or my attention was diverted when he gave some figures for Ryedale and Selby , I think he said , and I 'll happily stand corrected on this , that if you take away the York requirement figure from his ten thousand four hundred for Greater York , then the remainder he would apportion to Selby and Ryedale , so that Selby got four thousand two hundred , sorry , so that Ryedale got four thousand two hundred and Selby got one thousand seven hundred , erm that does n't add up to ten thousand four hundred and I I I in total , and I I wondered where the rest was coming from , if I the point correctly .
28 I already had permission to search all the surrounding fields , so I waited until the field was harvested before I gave it a thorough going over with my detector .
29 I visited a college there in , in that offshore island in the Indian Ocean and met the principal of that theological college and I said to him , I asked him how the college was going and he gave the same blandness to his answer as to my question and then he said of his theological college we are still training an aristocracy for the church and ensuring the inertia of the people of God .
30 At the agreed rate of 10¢ per column inch it meant that if I could provide two 25-inch columns per day , which was relatively easy for me , I could earn about $30 per week which was $6 more than I was getting when I gave up the staff job .
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