Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No summary data are presented and some of the individual trials did not measure quality of life at all .
2 The importance of such developments will be clear : planning for resource-based learning is a taxing and time-consuming activity for teachers , but if the work can be shared , if the expertise and creativity of colleagues can be made easily available , and if the teacher can have ready access to advice , guidance and encouragement , an important contribution has been made and some of the burden shifted .
3 I 've also been told that some of my shots would make very good ‘ New Age ’ album covers , so you never know .
4 And Hotline has been told that some of them are to question McMenemy 's position .
5 We have an energy-rich country and a massive trading balance , so why the hell are we importing electricity from France which I believe attracts the nuclear and importing coal from dubious sources and I have been told that some of that coal has been extracted by women and children , often in horrendously unsafe conditions .
6 The work characteristics and social support were more likely to have been misclassified than some of the other explanatory variables .
7 So some of them will be given and some of them wo n't and you 'll work out which ones can I fit in here opposite adjacent or that .
8 Yet it should never be forgotten that some of the disquiet felt about institutional care ( more fully discussed in Chapter 7 ) has arisen from the ‘ scandals ’ of chronic wards in hospitals , in which long-term patients were , on occasion , subjected to degrading treatment .
9 Because crime short stories have continued to be written and some of the very best of them have appeared in the Television Age .
10 The distinction between public bodies and voluntary agencies will be blurred , and the independence of action of voluntary bodies will be hampered as some of their resources and energies are absorbed in winning and fulfilling local authority contracts .
11 Omitting the voltmeter from our circuit , so that a current can How in the resistive wire , it may be seen that some of the current will be forced through the wire hence the device works as a generator .
12 On the other hand , though , it has to be said that some of the local urban excitements have been on the tame side recently : a swimming pool murder , an outbreak of cholesterol war between rival pizza outlets , the car that drove into the non-drive-in dry cleaners , and so on .
13 As Chapman observed : ‘ Although I do not suggest that the Arsenal go on the defensive even for tactical purposes , I think it may be said that some of their best scoring chances have come when they have been driven back and then have broken away to strike suddenly and swiftly . ’
14 Barth travels far and wide through the Bible , from Genesis to Revelation , and digests , criticises , and re-states a vast amount of material from the previous history of Christian thought , and from contemporary discussion — much of this in lengthy pages of tiny print , which readers are sometimes relieved to discover can be passed over without loss of the main drift ( though it should be said that some of the finest passages are to be found in the small print ) .
15 He said : ‘ Members of the public are not going to be told that some of the monkeys they see climbing on their cars today could be in a lab tomorrow .
16 The lesson was very strictly controlled although it began with lots of open questioning which stimulated the class to decide where Rome should be founded and some of the reasons for its being in that position .
17 The two other bases , at Athens airport and at Nea Makri north-east of Athens , were to be closed but some of their facilities and operations would be transferred to the remaining bases and auxiliary installations .
18 For such people any contact with the Court would have been the ultimate in defilement — though it should be noted that some of the husbands showed less scruple in accepting governmental places , even to the extent of standing for elections and taking the oath of loyalty to the Emperor and the Constitution .
19 The precise reasons for these changes are hard to establish without further analysis of census material , but it should be noted that some of the population increases in rural areas ( sometimes of more than 10 per cent ) are from very low population bases and therefore are not great numerically .
20 The coffered vault can plainly be discerned and some of the original stucco decoration is adhering to the deep , octagonal coffers ( 86 , 87 , 108 and XII ) .
21 Blacksmithing must have been a common occupation with one , or probably more , smith in each town and settlement , though it has to be remembered that some of the larger country estates , such as Chedworth , were virtually self-sufficient with their own resident smiths .
22 During the 1970s , the government began a long programme under which medieval mosques would be restored and some of the glory of Iraq 's Islamic past reasserted , with Baghdad , Basra and Mosul again seen as centres of Arab culture .
23 Arncliff folk were so poor — the meagre belongings of all twenty-seven totalling no more than £9. 7s. 4d. — that when the subsidy came to be levied , Robert Selson and William Prysche , with 20s. apiece , John Knolles ( 26s. 8d. ) , and Thomas and Leonard Atkynson ( 10s. each ) were selected as if at random and assessed at £2 each ; although the first two also enjoyed tiny incomes from land , it is to be hoped that some at least of their neighbours chipped in to make up the shilling due from each .
24 It is to be hoped that some of the numerous shales in the Devonian and Carboniferous sections may prove to have been sufficiently ductile to restrain escape over the long timespan involved , despite the degree of deformation to which they have been subjected .
25 Now that Kilwinning has mushroomed from being a small village to having a population of almost 16,500 , it is to be hoped that some of the new residents will take an interest in the town 's historic past and will ensure the continued existence of the Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers and the papingo shoot .
26 But they do have plenty of guns , and it can be presumed that some of their provision comes from hunting .
27 Erm I 'm thinking that some of them are going to forgive me if I , I say welcome again to you .
28 Yet it can be suggested that some of the reasons formerly connected with its success such as interest in the countryside 's potential for social signification , in breeding and lineage , and animals and the country as ordered symbols of harmony ( or power relationships ) have acquired even more mythic proportion and , hence , viability .
29 While the Duke of Argyll had indeed a well-established interest in the county , and John Campbell of Mamore had a long tenure of the parliamentary seat , it is hardly to be wondered that some of the gentlemen resented that blunt statement of Campbell power .
30 Paul Reed Smith guitars are acknowledged as some of the finest produced anywhere today , and Guitarist 's Guitar Of The Year will be a classic !
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