Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] it is " in BNC.

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1 No numerical illustrations are given because it is the very nature of the techniques described that they are successful on large problems — too large to illustrate explicitly here .
2 Earlier Griffin has bemoaned the fact that ‘ throughout our educational system students are taught that it is unscientific to ask what an animal thinks or feels ’ ( 1984 : vii ) .
3 Current broader issues are examined and it is decided whether any action or research needs to be carried out .
4 A man stays in line because he has been taught that it is wrong not to .
5 At low tide , sands are exposed and it is possible to walk out to the sea-pool .
6 The nature of the obligation is simply that of an obligation to repay money which has been received and it is neither necessary nor logical , simply because the conditions of repayment relate to the performance of covenants in a lease , that the transfer of the reversion should create in the transferee an additional and co-extensive obligation to pay money which he has never received and in which he never had any interest or that the assignment of the term should vest in the assignee the right to receive a sum which he has never paid …
7 Objective 1 of Part 4 has been completed and it is clear who ‘ owns ’ the problem .
8 In place of butter or margarine , alternatives such as Flora are recommended as it is high in polyunsaturates .
9 it remains to be seen what figures are included when it is submitted to the Secretary of State and what view he takes on that .
10 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
11 Staff and students are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that all books on loan to them from the Library are kept securely , in good condition , away from harmful environments , and readily accessible to Library staff in the event of their being required for other readers .
12 Teachers are reminded that it is necessary to notify the office if they have candidates for this award .
13 Synthesis of LTB 4 by gastric mucosal epithelial cells has been reported and it is possible that these are an important source of the increased concentrations we have seen in patients taking NSAIDs .
14 The relevant schools have been approached and it is intended to co-ordinate engineering , education and enforcement activities .
15 It would be perverse , then , to deny that very exciting things have been happening and it is no business of this chapter to disparage these remarkable advances in understanding of the brain .
16 It has been done but it is a hell of a thing to repeat , it will be a very , very fine piece of mountaineering if they pull it off . ’
17 This has been done because it is believed that the State has an interest in seeking to prevent those actions and to punish those who so act .
18 Particular care is needed where reports are prepared and it is believed that a person other than the client will have access to the report and may seek to rely upon it ( eg a long form report prepared for a vendor prior to sale ) .
19 Precise details of the evidence presented at that meeting have not yet been revealed but it is clear that it proved inconclusive .
20 It has been said that it is best not to know too much about salami and other sausages , in the same way that ignorance about haggis aids its enjoyment and easy digestion .
21 It has been said that it is unsporting to receive help from another angler when you catch a fish .
22 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
23 This was the first time that father and son had been separated and it is apparent that Leopold undertook much of the organisation for the visit , advising Mozart and his mother of places to stay , even giving the costs of meals as they made their way through the German states .
24 It is very important to keep on happy and good terms with the family that are living and it is extremely sad when the death of a parent who loved all the children should be an unwitting source of family rifts .
25 No funeral arrangements have yet been made but it is likely to be in Lytham and show business friends are bound to stage a memorial service later to mark the passing of one of the greats .
26 If , as we have suggested , those closest to the person who has died have had the opportunity to discuss what should happen , maybe with the person himself , and their wishes are known , then the decision has already been made and it is a united one .
27 Much more data are collected than it is possible to publish , and access to this additional information is just not possible — indeed its existence may not be known or recorded , with the result that future researchers and revisers have to go through the whole data collection procedure again each time .
28 No sooner , it seems , has one prospective long-term partner been secured than it is ditched .
29 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over , and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
30 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over ( ie as one obligation is settled another will arise ) and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
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