Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm that in fact one of the odd points here is that when a person is convicted , that information is public , but nevertheless as the years go by and indeed er this has been recognized in for instance the rehabilitation of offenders act , it becomes private information and if someone 's looking for a job the fact that he was convicted of an offence many years ago should not be er er relevant .
2 The chairs were designed to complement the table and represent one set of variations on a chair design that I have been experimenting with for years .
3 More than 250 ideas emerged from the presentation , and each one has been looked at for possibilities .
4 The one you 've been looking for for ages ?
5 He says , here 's something , he says , we , we 've been looking for for years and here 's me stumbling on it accidentally .
6 Something that we 've been looking for for months and months !
7 ‘ The areas we are looking at for divestment are employee heavy ’ said Sanderson .
8 ( This was a circumstance paralleled at his own funeral , when the friends and relations of the woman he 'd been living with for part of the week since the early 1960s stole the show from us , the pathetic huddle of the family of his middle years . )
9 The fungi have n't been attended to for decades and , warped by the magic of the Castle , have changed considerably .
10 I 've told you what we 're gon na for Christopher have n't I ?
11 The dentist I had been going to for years no longer took NHS patients .
12 The birth of another child seems , predictably , to be a situation in which grandmothers are called upon for assistance .
13 W that has all been quantified as as best it can through all the various reports and very detailed information that 's been provided for for members .
14 The effect of the recent decisions is that points of law can not now be relied on for challenges .
15 Even less than Local Authorities are they to be relied on for continuity of policy , or an ability to look beyond the day after tomorrow .
16 Even Helen , who looked around at everything with great sympathetic curiosity and could usually be relied upon for cheer and irritating opinion , said nothing but ‘ yum-yum ’ twice and looked out of the window .
17 It shows to be wholly naive claims that the problem of the patriarchal nature of the biblical literature could be solved by for example substituting certain female words for male words , or concentrating on those stories which concern women .
18 You would also be expected to for example to prepare for
19 The worst response would be the sort that has already begun to be hinted at for ICI : protecting itself through a tangle of joint ventures .
20 of allotting land to the present tiller , land owned by the tiller should not be drawn upon for redistribution .
21 THE anxious huddle that was England 's management were in full debate in the main stand at the end of a spectacle that will be talked about for decades .
22 I wo n't add any more to the board because I think you 're starting to get the idea , but one or two others I want you to think about , I believe animals should not be experimented upon for make-up , I believe everybody should be treated with respect .
23 The smithies mentioned by Hume , Pennycraig still in use and Eorrabus are still complete buildings , but so are the ones at Tighnacala , Ballygrant and the one at Port Ellen , which was used up to 1870 , and is to be pulled down for road widening .
24 My understanding is that change of traffic flows along the A sixty one , through Harrogate and Knaresborough will or through Harrogate anyway , will allow significant improvements to the environment to be to be attained through for example erm pedestrian er refuges on on the roads through i er allowing er pedestrian er priority areas .
25 agrees that samples of all packaging , advertising , labelling and the like of the Licensed Products shall be provided to for inspection prior to initial use of the first Licensed Product to be published by which incorporates the Work to ensure that all Trade Marks are properly identified as the property of .
26 ( e ) Examples Set out below are various categories of conveyance/transfers and how they should be dealt with for stamp duty purposes : ( i ) Conveyance or transfer pursuant to court order — no monetary consideration ( Eg Precedents 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 , 15 and 16 ) Provided this contains the following certificate ( it is suggested as part of the instrument ) no stamp duty is payable .
27 Those who disrupt proceedings or undermine public confidence in the administration of justice by scandalising the judiciary are also liable to be dealt with for contempt of court .
28 But how it could be brought to bear on specific political decisions that had to be taken in for instance the 1930s — this was far from clear even to Eliot himself , if we judge from the dryly disenchanted tone of many of his editorial pronouncements and observations in The Criterion .
29 By including the words , avoiding areas of significant landscape value , you are by implication , directing it at areas which can be improved by for example a structure plan to increase or improve the landscape value of that area .
30 Now I 'm not looking to people to be totally bloody minded , erm , but I 'm gon na for people to sort of totally cave in , erm , with these newly acquired influencing skills , because as we 've said all along , they will work on some occasions , but they 're not gon na work all the time .
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