Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [pron] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps it is because they are saving their best for England .
2 ‘ We 're getting her ready for the skid pan . ’
3 ‘ You 're getting yourself ready for him coming back , ai n't you ! ’
4 Brussels sprouts , baked potatoes , grated cheese , the variation of vegetables in the summer , a tin of vegetarian steak pudding on Sundays and a piece of fruit afterwards is a monotonous but healthy diet , and I ca n't think of many cheaper ways to feed two children and feel you 're doing your best for them at the same time .
5 Not bad , eh , when you 're giving your all for your country ?
6 But by being ashamed of who they are , they 're making it harder for other people to accept them . ’
7 You 're making it easier for them because you want to believe what they 're saying .
8 ‘ They 're making it easier for the Oaks , ’ whispered Floy .
9 ‘ We 're trying our best for an agreement to start construction before the end of this year , ’ an official tells the Daily .
10 It 's an , a small number of , of viruses which constantly shift , and the WHO organisation which monitors flu viruses around the world , is responsible for seeing that the vaccine is made from strains that are in circulation currently , and , and we 've been getting it right for the last ten years , so I , I think there 'll be no problem this year .
11 He would insist on checking our observations before we sent them to Group on the teleprinter , and this we regarded as a deadly insult , most of us having been doing them unchecked for over three years .
12 The LCD had been doing its best for the South Eastern Circuit .
13 Vets , like all those involved in promoting responsible ownership , want to encourage owners to have their pets neutered and , while many charities talk about trying to set up discount neutering schemes , vets have been running their own for years .
14 Because all human beings are fallible , with individual fears and weaknesses , it is so easy for the foundation for a similar fear in our children to be laid even when we think we are doing our best for them .
15 If this is the best they can do when you are doing your best for your country , it stinks .
16 Timothy is hoping they 'll be smelling their best for the start of the show next Monday .
17 He should be keeping himself young for 'er .
18 ‘ And I must away to my Green Line bus — Lydia will be keeping something hot for me . ’
19 I 'm keeping it warm for you ! ’
20 I 'm holding you responsible for this young lady .
21 ‘ I 'll tell you what , ’ he suggested softly , as if he might be making it easy for her , although she could n't imagine why he should .
22 A firm which innocently seeks to lower costs and improve product quality may simultaneously be making it harder for entry to occur .
23 If you ca n't remove the stain yourself , at least you will possibly be making it easier for the professionals to get it out later .
24 The Lions assemble on Friday April 22 and Clandeboye Golf Club will be making itself available for an amalgamation of sluggers , hustlers , and single-handicap players to get into the swing of things .
25 ‘ I 'm making it easier for the next black man .
26 Cos without the head man a trainer ca n't train horse , and I 'm telling you that for nothing !
27 ‘ I shall be needing them all for the meeting . ’
28 ADVANCES in microelectronics are making it possible for countries to switch to a military strategy that is purely for defence and has no offensive capability — if they want to .
29 On food safety , my hon. Friend will be aware of the crippling effect of veterinary inspection charges on chicken-producing companies such as John Rannoch and Sovereign Chicken in my constituency , which are making it impossible for them to compete with their European counterparts .
30 ClubCall are making it easy for People readers to vote by telephone if they choose not to use the voting form on Page 41 .
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