Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [pron] [noun] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Examples are circling your arms around from your shoulders ; toe-touching ; standing upright then bending your body sideways to the left then right ; lying on the floor then raising each leg as high in the air as possible ( keeping the leg straight ) .
2 In the dressing room player coach Greg Downs , another Wembley winner with Coventry back in 1987 , has been building his men up .
3 That 's what the cleaner said the other day , she said have you been hanging your clothes out ?
4 ‘ I think the most important thing for the residents is that they have been given their dignity back , ’ said the Duchess afterwards .
5 ‘ All the rumours are that Jerry 's been bringing his troops back from the east by the train-load .
6 And finally a 40 strong choral group from Oxford have been singing their hearts out today in a bid to win a place in a national competition .
7 ‘ A lot of people are bringing their children back home , ’ said Julia .
8 A Tory friend of mine who has been trying to write nice things about the Conservative campaign has been tearing his hair out in desperation , not just because they are doing so badly — but because they deserve to .
9 Because some people are making large profits , and raising the total of profits by so doing , it is proposed to come down on the ‘ innocent ’ businesses , whose profits may actually have gone down , who have been being ‘ responsible ’ and not increasing their prices ; and their taxes will be put up — all because of the other bounders , who meanwhile are laughing their heads off .
10 Second , most people who are in work are keeping their heads down and not looking for a new job , so there is less competition from those in work .
11 We only pay interest on what we have actually borrowed so we are keeping our outgoings down till our new production facilities come on stream . ’
12 Well you 've been picking your clothes up are you ?
13 In Perth souvenir shops , Gumpets are elbowing their way on to the shelves alongside the stock-in-trade plywood boomer angs , mallee-root ornamental clocks and kangaroo-skin sporrans .
14 We went to the er B M A or the G M C I 'm not quite sure which and asked if we could could approach er doctors for this and they 've been snapping our hands off ever since .
15 With Seve you 're sticking your neck out telling him how far it is to the green .
16 and I said who 's that ? and he went oh god , shit we 're in the wrong tent and they went out and you can hear 'em I mean being a tent they 're laughing their head off for about half an hour
17 It 's hard not to when you see how happy we are in the picture — we 're laughing our heads off .
18 you 've got proof , and I used to check it as a form teacher every , at the end of every week tick it and sign it I I only had about what , twenty in the class used to , every end of every week check and see they 're writing their homework down and if any problems came of it had n't written it down they were in trouble !
19 They ca n't stand on one leg and then they 're waggling their foot about and missing the ball all together and you think anyone can kick a ball but they ca n't but then they get better at it .
20 Residents had to wait a year before they could put in claims and it 's only now that they 're getting their offers through , based on the district valuer 's assessment of the value of their homes .
21 You see you 're getting your money back
22 you 're getting your straps on , stand up please
23 ‘ You 're wearing your hair down , ’ he murmured from somewhere above her head .
24 Before you know it , you 're freezing your boots off in a Siberian labour camp .
25 Offering Mr Hurd his support , Mr Michael Heseltine ( C. Henley ) , said : ‘ It 's quite impossible to explain to the Chinese population in Hong Kong that we 're putting their relatives back across the frontier with the mainland day after day , and allowing boat people from Vietnam to remain in Hong Kong . ’
26 Vicki Burwell of Thomas Cook said : ‘ I do n't think anyone seriously believes that these flights will happen in our lifetime , yet people are so interested that they 're putting their names down , just in case . ’
27 Well why you 're making your mind up I 'll go and get the sugar .
28 They 're to blow your nose on .
29 right with an extra window , whatever about the money , like Mrs what 's her name , so you 've nearly closed her on the conservatory you do all the paper , your order close form on the conservatory and you say to her , right , cos you 're working your sums out , do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds ?
30 I do n't know why you 're clogging our meetings up with somebody else 's accidents .
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