Example sentences of "[be] [conj] it [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The essential qualities of a tenant 's fixture are that it may be removed without causing irreparable damage to the building and that it may be set up and used again in another building or place ( Webb v Bevis ( Frank ) Ltd [ 1940 ] 1 All ER 247 ; Young v Dalgety plc [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 116 ) .
2 Kingfisher claims the combined company would have a market share of 22 per cent , though other estimates are that it would be above the 25 per cent threshold for a reference .
3 The disadvantages , however , are that it would be much more expensive to construct , requiring the construction of several bridges , and the fact that while it straddles two council areas , there will be no possibility of support from Ards Borough Council as their Tourist Officer has an agreement with Down District Council not to support a tourist railway in the Ards area as there is already one under way in the Down District area at Downpatrick .
4 ( Among the virtues of reparation are that it could be of great value in assisting the ‘ reintegration ’ of offenders , as we discuss shortly . )
5 If you have one of the thousands of barley twist-legged tables produced from the Edwardian period onwards , the chances are that it will be coated with a dark , almost black varnish .
6 It remains to be seen how the XM stacks up against traditional executive fare , but the chances are that it will be too exotic for the British palate .
7 If a Toshiba computer breaks down in America , the chances are that it will be mended by a Vietnamese engineer in California .
8 The odds are that it will be franchised , as a whole or in part , to managers and employees , perhaps in partnership with other investors .
9 A reply from the Ministry is expected within days , and all the signs are that it will be positive .
10 Provided that your material is newsworthy and you ensure that it lands on the right person 's desk at the right time , the chances are that it will be published .
11 The chances are that it will be " seen and not seen " .
12 Erm somehow or other it 's going to come along and I think most people 's thinkings are that it will be shown as a tax item on the ticket as are the taxes in other countries
13 All the signs are that it will be a holding speech , waiting until December for the first of the combined spending and taxing Budgets , with , maybe , some radical tax reforms thrown in .
14 The drawbacks of this style used alone are that it can be slow and you have less control over your objective .
15 The advantages are that it can be bought at any time , changed without penalty and fully refunded .
16 The benefits of this method are that it can be easily understood and it gives total control over every element at all times .
17 One of the key elements of the paper had always been that it should be run on consensus lines , with broad agreement among the group , often expressed by a vote before any decision was taken .
18 So , I mean these are the supporters that they , they 've got to sort of focus on erm even i he does say that some of the erm er leaders of the associations are n't actually up to scratch but he says eighty five percent of them are and it would be wrong to attack or to arrest , you know , the other fifteen percent and it 's got to come from their own discipline of the association , you let the movement grow together , do n't try and er become er , you know , resisting forces because er these are the people who we 've got to erm s stay with and to look after , to harness erm to work for and er so that 's basically , is his conclusion .
19 The whole program is ‘ menu driven ’ in any one of five languages so you will always know where you are and it will be obvious from the screen where you can go next .
20 It could be as marvellous as you think it will be or it could be a total disaster .
21 I mean it could be or it could be the reason why er why younger not
22 My only word of advice would be that it might be worth waiting a couple of months or so , by which time WordPerfect 6 for DOS should be on the market .
23 For some the spur may be that it would be more useful to be able to read the health and safety rules of the factory in which they work , or to be able to make sense of the words in the mail order catalogue in which they are required to shop .
24 Indeed it may well be that it would be impossible to stand in no relation to the past , or to the framework in which one 's mind and one 's awareness as a religious person were formed .
25 The way in which this is worked out in law may be that it would be an abuse of the process of the court to allow the creditor under such circumstances to sue , or it may be , and I prefer that view , that there is an extinction of the debt ; but , whichever way it is put , it comes to the same thing , namely that , after acceptance by the creditor of a sum offered by a third party in settlement of the claim against the debtor , the creditor can not maintain an action for the balance … .
26 Erm we have put forward an alternative er mechanism for environmental discounts and er I can say by at this stage , by reference to the erm critique that has taken place of that of those environmental discounts in N Y eleven , that erm , while we would n't go along with making anywhere near the the additions that are suggested there , erm it may be that it would be sensible to make a further discount in respect of the heritage coast .
27 Weber 's approach to the state was quite distinct from that of the Marxist tradition , although the thrust of our argument will be that it can be usefully combined with this tradition .
28 The result is bound to be that it will be far harder to acquire convictions in these cases than it is at the moment .
29 The conclusion must be that it will be unusual , though not impossible to envisage , that business policy etc will be protectable .
30 We would hope that that has been defined er by somebody of the hierarchy but , if we 're moving onto new work areas , it might not The sequence maybe self-evident but it may not be and it would be nice to have it written down .
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