Example sentences of "[be] [conj] i [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 any problems , any problems the council for er two years , there are and I think that she 's actually provided a very significant contributions to the council .
2 I mean Preston is about twenty miles south of er where we are but I know that there are gardens north of where we are that do grow good peaches but what they do they cover the er plants during the early spring round about February time and they cover it with very fine ne net , that 's all they need to do with it just cover it up when the flowers are out , make sure that they lift it off every now and again to do the pollinating , get them set and then when the frosts have gone take the net off .
3 This can mean that a subscriber can be charged far more than he should be and I gather that some regions even add in the hours that trainee engineers work as well .
4 It could be but I think that the question is asking is , in Plato 's view , do each of us have an equal chance of performing this transcendence , or in view do we each have an equal chance of performing this transcendence ?
5 It 's er erm a little bit more straightforward a we 're looking straight onto this wall , looking straight onto the steps , and we 're looking straight onto the door , so everything is looking , sort of erm full-faced as it were and I think that makes for a less interesting composition than the previous one .
6 The second is that I fear that , however compelling the principle of justice may be , it would never be sufficient to persuade a government to propose its legislative recognition by Parliament ; caution , otherwise known as the Treasury , would never allow this to happen .
7 One main reason is that I know that the other person thinks I will act as promised and therefore she will do something which she would not do otherwise .
8 ‘ The trouble is that I know that all the time he 's only trying to ingratiate himself in order to get me to agree to a merger .
9 I think , though , what 's very important in that as well is that I know that there are young men in the colleges who are really ashamed of the sort of picture that 's increasingly being presented .
10 Well the only thing is that I hope that the next generation that is coming along now will appreciate what has been done for their generation because it took a long time for us to get what we wanted for our children and now with our grandchildren are coming along I hope the town will improve with their growth .
11 If I 'm depressed at all it is that I think that you could make this process slightly less obtrusive and violent and spark-generating if there was more systematic analysis and discussion beforehand , going back a long way .
12 The point that I was seeking to make a moment ago — I reiterate it now — is that I think that it is to the advantage of everyone in Northern Ireland for the politicians of Northern Ireland , of all shades of opinion , to come together , to talk and to express their mutual wish for peace in Northern Ireland .
13 If we 're gon na do a deal then we , we , we have some to drive it through but what I 'm saying is that I think that if you have this meeting I , which is what February the second ?
14 It its a big task , em er the thing is that I think that that the first point of call is one is that we get the questionnaire out and see whether you know the one where can we can the questionnaires to all the neighbourhood watch is it , w w we prepare the questionnaire and we get on and send it out , right .
15 I have two points to make by suggestion : - one is that I think that the final of these related documents should be discretionary I do n't see why you should have to keep the file .
16 I mean part of it is what I think and part of it is that I think that I like it because it works , that these things — I basically am unconvinced much of the modern tradition .
17 Now I am able to say that Barton Willmore has done this work , and it has submitted as part of our submission to the E I P , and in summary what I would say is that I believe that that work demonstrates that the new settlement has to be in the order of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , to begin to achieve the environmental objectives set for the new settlement , and also social objectives which would also be important to the residents of that new settlement .
18 Now the reason I mention last year 's events , is that I suspect that the same arguments are gon na be trotted out again .
19 ‘ What you ca n't accept is that I accept that I do n't know anything .
20 And said what a nice girl she was and what a good student and Suzannah said oh that 's cos I won that make up competition .
21 I think that er that is a question better directed towards the French , possibly my colleagues in the foreign office but my understanding is that the French assembly have indeed er approved ratification er but the French government i is declining er to append the appropriate signatures to it er er until agreement over the erm the parliament building at at Strasbourg is completed erm but my honourable friend I think in true parliamentary form , asks questions to which he already feels he knows pretty well what the answer is and I suspect that my answer squares with what he knows already .
22 ‘ I do n't know who she is but I know that she exists . ’
23 It is because I feel that the impulse that is behind the work of the Labour Party is mainly the same longing for the time when man [ sic ] will be able to live in free and equal comradeship that I find myself in line with that party .
24 considered " structuralist " as well as " functionalist " , it is because I feel that the structuralism of Levi-Strauss , which pays close attention to the semantic patterning of concepts which operate as normative ideas , has given us new insights into this traditional problem .
25 This is because I believe that one of the basic assumptions of functionalism can be successfully illustrated , and alternatives to functionalism can be successfully confronted , by a careful examination of the effects of brain injury on face processing tasks .
26 actually no that was the night she was really pissed off because erm people were paying more attention to me than they were to her , I do n't know why , it 's because I decide that I 'm gon na be really outgoing and I really do and I was really loud and really boisterous and she 's quite resigned like that and she thought I sh bit shagged off with me and then like I was doing , there was this really good looking bloke and he was like we , we 'd given each other eyes over the bar in this pub and Lottie goes well if you do n't hurry up with him I 'm gon na go and have him , if you do n't hurry up , you know , and just like marched over I said Charlotte give me a break
27 The correct factual position is as I said that er the County Planning Committee or the County Council has not considered that document .
28 All I could think of was that I knew that a Lee Metford was the forerunner of the Lee Enfield .303 rifle and almost became standard issue to the British army before WW1 .
29 The next point that upset him was that I said that unlike the American President , the Prime Minister was relieved of a great deal of official ceremonial by the Queen and Prince Philip .
30 One of the reasons why I was in favour of televising the House and Committees was that I thought that it might be a good idea for the public to see Standing Committees , with Ministers doing their mail and others trying to hold up the business .
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