Example sentences of "[be] [conj] it be not " in BNC.

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1 But my argument has been that it is not difficult to defend something roughly resembling the status quo rather than being bludgeoned into a guilty conscience by accepting that one is a covert elitist or racist .
2 Working within this international world it is , of course , a great help if one speaks several languages , but my own experience has been that it is not the ability to speak another language , rare enough this essential tool of international business is amongst British people , but the experience of having lived and worked with people in another country which is the decisive factor .
3 It would be idle to speculate on what the figures might have been if it were not for the security situation .
4 I think one of the , the best things a member of the royal family has done , is Prince Phillip and Prince of Wa , and Prince of Wales have actually opened their mouths up and said they 're opposed to wha a lo a lo a lot of what the present government policies are and it 's not , not before time , in my opinion !
5 Could it be that 't is not the younger prince who has stolen her heart ?
6 Consequently , the reply to the national court must be that it is not contrary to Community law for a member state to stipulate as a condition for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register that the vessel in question must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state .
7 Another related reason may be that it is not at all clear what it is that is transmitted during inter-hemispheric transfer .
8 When one man with a tiny congregation has the cure of 13,000 souls , it is a joke , or it would be if it were not so sad .
9 I 've got enough just to manage , but things are n't what they should be and it 's not what we were used to in the old days . ’
10 If an animal does not eat a food item at one moment but does later , it may only be because it was not hungry before , not because it has learned to see it .
11 I 'll tell you what it 's a sound argument for the time being but it 's not a sound argument if we 're involved in a management buy out .
12 Basically our belief is that it is not possible to make a profit .
13 To speculate about possible good communists in the GDR is also to ignore the central fact about the country , which is that it is not one .
14 The underlying point is that it is not every act of provocation which should be allowed to reduce murder to manslaughter , but only those serious enough to unbalance the behaviour of a person with reasonable self-control .
15 Its great merit is that it is not confined to particular activities , and therefore has an across-the-board application to different sources of endangerment .
16 However , as Voltaire famously observed , the trouble with common sense is that it is not very common — least of all , it seems , among research scientists .
17 The problem with Channel 5 is that it is not lying empty , like a new motorway just waiting for somebody to cut the ribbon .
18 The problem with placing Mary Leapor within this discussion is that it is not certain that she read any of the poems with which these critics are primarily concerned .
19 Another major difference between Leapor 's ‘ Crumble Hall ’ and other poems of this type is that it is not a panegyric .
20 The problem is that it is not just life expectancy that determines whether the child has this ‘ right to live ’ ; often handicaps such as Down 's Syndrome which is one of the primary forms of mental handicap identified by tests , are considered such a burden both to the child and the family that the pregnancy will be terminated .
21 The argument made in this book is that it is not to all land-users .
22 The biggest single difficulty in drawing attention to urban poverty is that it is not new , but simply — in some of its most worrying manifestations — getting worse .
23 The joy of this procedure is that it is not laborious .
24 Another problem with the method of Riemann is that it is not practically possible to generalize it to the case for non-colinear collisions .
25 Once again the problem is that it is not evident that the testator intended a legal obligation to be created .
26 However that may be , the striking point is that it is not the law of trusts which is leading the way to generous interpretation here , but instead the civil law .
27 The answer is that it is not .
28 One of the problems created by this hidden nature of learning is that it is not clear whether or not the same process is involved in widely different activities .
29 One weakness of Rationality and Relativism is that it is not always clear that the various authors interpret relativism in the same way .
30 Wind power enthusiasts claim that a big advantage over solar power is that it is not necessary to cover the whole of the ‘ harvest area ’ .
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