Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pers pn] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The reason could very well have been that he simply desired to do it .
2 It also has to hinder to recognition of what the needs of the people of the city are and I actually cast out , wipe out services and the needs of central administration which is essential to any council and I would hope that not only my own back this amendment .
3 ‘ Indeed , ’ said Bishop Jon , ‘ 't is to be hoped that the two saintly souls got on well together in life ( if so be that they ever met at all , which I take leave to doubt ) now that the lord King has made a packet of them , so to speak , for posterity .
4 A principal justification for the change was said to be that it unduly restricted the proper development of the law ( Practice Statement , ( Judicial Precedent ) , [ 1966 ] 1 WLR 1234 ) .
5 It might be that it only affected the absorption and emission processes of black bodies and did not represent an abiding individuality — like drips from a tap which merge into the mass of fluid lying in the basin .
6 The people of Northern Ireland naturally and rightly reason that if what they have suffered at the hands of the southern-spawned IRA , they have suffered while a majority , how much greater would that persecution not be if they ever entered a state in which they were a perpetual minority .
7 He wondered what Vic 's reaction might be if he ever found out or , horror of horrors , caught him red-handed ?
8 Fabia was seated beside Ven in a taxi when she realised that furious would be an understatement for what Ven would be if he ever learned that she had not only deceived him but , to add insult to injury , allowed him , believing her to be someone else , to house her and feed her into the bargain .
9 I mean , for example , the French , my impression is that we actually offended De Gaulle quite considerably during the war in terms of his pride as a Frenchman
10 The , the possibility is that they just looked after one sex better than the other and there is some anec anecdotic evidence that this kind of thing occurs , which I have n't got time go to into because I 'm getting towards the end of the lecture .
11 But the main problem with defectors is that they quickly run out of crown jewels and then inevitably resort to inventing what they think their new-found paymasters want to hear in order to extend their usefulness and avoid being discarded to end their days washing dishes in a Hungarian restaurant in downtown Washington .
12 But what is evident is that they often sought affection from the only source which under the circumstances was available — other boys .
13 The trouble with planners is that they often persuaded themselves that they could and should impose their plans on other people .
14 The difficulty with all these criticisms is that they never specified exactly what was the ‘ correct ’ style for Nonconformist chapels .
15 What the trials of such war criminals as Klaus Barbie have revealed is that they really had to do very little work at all .
16 The worst of it all to me is that I never guessed anything .
17 The funny thing is that I never expected to be an artist .
18 What I will tell you , and I will tell for the very first time , is that I personally dealt with people whose future may well have been considered under the terms of the AMO .
19 Er one observation I would like to make is that you actually got certain items appearing in er more than one place .
20 What is usually said about the invention of printing is that it greatly expanded an earlier minority culture , and at last made it into a majority culture .
21 The good thing about the president 's intervention is that it publicly recognised a problem that needed solution the very antithesis of WRU custom and practice for most of the past dozen or more ostrich era .
22 Part of the reason the Open Software Foundation missed the boat with its Architecture Neutral Distribution Format technology , according to observers , is that it wrongly targeted independent software vendors as the home for its solution .
23 In the post-Althusserian context of today it is nevertheless somewhat startling to find the Althusser of Reading Capital citing his debt to Foucault ( along with Bachelard , Cavaillès , and Canguilhem ) as one of our masters in reading learned works'. perhaps even more unexpected , in the light of the fact that a popular British Marxist position on Althusser is that he simply turned history into theory , is the choice of Foucault 's Madness and Civilization ( ’ that great work' ) and The Birth of the Clinic as examples of the kind of history , focused on the necessity of the production of a concept , that he was advocating .
24 The interest on this , is that he also left a second disk .
25 What he is saying is that he always wanted to drive , his family was against it and he defied them and did it
26 I noted earlier that Marx recognised the social and political ‘ materiality ’ of lines of demarcation other than those of property holding in the ‘ Eighteenth Brumaire ’ : nonetheless what is striking in this passage is that he never settled accounts with the general theory which denied such factors any pertinence in the long run .
27 He enjoys music his one regret is that he never learned to play a musical instrument and is chairman of the newly-established music society which is putting on a season of classical concerts in the throne room at Bishop Auckland Castle .
28 The first is : if your father ran off with someone only a couple of years older than you , what this probably means is that he really wanted to run off with you .
29 If there has been a criticism , it is that he often lured artists into singing roles beyond their immediate range or capacity .
30 One exception is if you previously contracted out but your earnings have since fallen substantially .
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