Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pers pn] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No I could n't I mean , and these people are Jehovah Witnesses who sold me this house and my feelings about the commercial probity of Jehovah Witnesses are that they have n't any commercial probity .
2 Marjorie Perloff has remarked that young American academics and students have a shared culture based on having read or studied the same books : ‘ they have , by and large , taken courses that expose them to writers like Freud , Nietzsche , and Marx , whereas the odds are that they have not taken a course in , say , the lyric poetry of Goethe , the fiction of Stendhal , or the theatre of Molière . ’
3 Yet another way in which people may judge the costliness of different types of credit is how reasonable they think any credit terms are that they have recently been using .
4 The chances are that you have n't and that 's where The Photographer 's Studio Manual comes in .
5 According to her foster brother , another clue had been that she had so blatantly considered Vitor to be ‘ a real cool dude ’ , but she saw no reason to reveal that .
6 He 's always been surrounded by people who think everything else he does is marvellous , but one of the points of our relationship has been that I 've always criticised his work , and for me those double portraits of the Seventies came perilously close to Photo-Realism . ’
7 The thing is , it 's been so long since I 've been that I have n't got a clue how much tickets are likely to be .
8 If you 're if you had n't earned the money well you did n't go into it in detail and get the time and motion study man
9 So gi given the unless somebody 's out unless you 're if he 'd actually tells me to do it I will say I was sort of oh alright and do it .
10 I 've been cos I have n't been to the R A F club for ages there .
11 the other day but yeah it must have been cos I have n't seen any papers since Monday how many thousands do n't pay on not paying their television licence .
12 The argument is that it was easier for them to maintain the part of their image of statelessness which consisted of ‘ how we have always done things ’ , than it would have been if they had individually moved into town and settled into a bidonville .
13 They 're over the river by this time , and so should I have been if you had not come so prompt to your hour .
14 Maybe H R T was helping what her symptoms would have been if she had n't taken them , maybe they were worse because she was , maybe they were the same in spite of it , but I du n no .
15 The Chief Constable fussed around the Bishop , the press had been shut up , or anyway given a damn sight less than they would have been if it had n't been a priest 's body , or rather , head .
16 Bartlett 's recall may be elusive , while the popular Roland Lefebvre is left pondering sadly on what might have been if he had not suffered that pre-season arm injury in a misplaced prank involving Sussex 's Brad Donelan .
17 4.5 In Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [ 1980 ] AC 174 ( per Lord Scarman giving the main speech with which the rest of their Lordships agreed ) the House of Lords re-affirmed what Lord Blackburn had said over 100 years ago : " the principle of the law is that compensation should as nearly as possible put the party who has suffered in the same position as he would have been if he had not sustained the wrong " ( Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co ( 1880 ) 5 App Cas 25 , 39 ) .
18 But equally , how presumptuous it would have been if he had not believed it after Christ had spoken it .
19 ‘ What a day it 's been and we have n't really done anything at all .
20 I do n't make any apologies for that , and maybe it is going over the old ground , but unless we do it , unless we try to do it , if we 've done it the way before been and it has n't produced what we , what we want , then surely it 's not for us to sit back and say , ‘ Well , it 's been through that and it has n't worked ’ , surely we ought to try again , and that 's what I hope to be doing , sort of value your support and see you .
21 Yeah , basically it 's always been but it has n't been enforced for quite some time , that the clean up rate is four pounds and hour which equates to six pound an hour on a Saturday .
22 Elizabeth Hick , 63 : ‘ I can never remember how old I am but I 've just learnt to swim and that 's made me feel younger . ’
23 Well I am but I have n't got anything in have I ?
24 We are but we 've never been formally trained in them .
25 It may be that they have just had their operation or they are just about to have it . ’
26 Instead , the main ingredient of success appears to be that they have consistently geared themselves to the needs of international trade .
27 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
28 She was as sure as she could be that she had n't been followed , but she knew she would n't breathe freely again until she was airborne .
29 That is , it might be that he had fully internalized the requisite mental structure , but for some reason lacked the capacity to use it .
30 I wanted it to be that I had n't really been that big before I left — in other words , prove them wrong .
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