Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pron] [verb] got " in BNC.

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1 For example , there was a chap I knew who was in Simon House and the rules of the house are that you 've got to stay off the drink , and unfortunately he had a slip and went back on it .
2 And they accept us for what we are and we 've got a good erm relationship with the the people w who are left in er the flat complex .
3 Most people are if they 've got property are n't they ?
4 And somewhere in there it may be that something 's got to give perhaps .
5 Mm , it might be that she 's got
6 Yes it 's er , I 'm sure it 's in there somewhere yeah I wonder what will happen then with the beach huts it could be it could be that you 've got to get the , you can still sell them private but , and the Council will , will just say yes or no
7 It does n't seem to me from what I read of page thirty one of that inspector 's report that he was in any different position by the absence of the Policy E two than he would be if he 'd got it .
8 W three , no I , I think that , that , that must be cos they 've got the same G here
9 As for what subject , I 'm not sure what it 's gon na be cos I 've got ta pass in the
10 That may just be Cos you 've got good circulation , in fact , down here .
11 Well it wo n't be when you 've got your gravy on it .
12 I see the form tutor one as being now we 've got hold of record of achievement as being part of the developmental process of a record of achievement , now our youngsters know what a personal statement is , form tutors are happier with a joint statement it 's taken us four years
13 I think it 's very much linked with the safeguard being that we have got the one year cushion of , of carry forwards sums there to meet any immediate problems within the year , and give ourselves breathing space to , to address those in the longer term .
14 This was a anti-tank and it fired a bomb and of course we put a demonstration on firing this and then we was up the Bell Lane end and right at the top by Bailey 's farm there was a row of seats , benches , along the walk there and of course the demonstration was we 'd show them imagine those seats are tanks course we never thought in the world we should ever even get near one anyway we hit one and broke it Cos they , they , I mean they was only dummies , they were n't , I mean there was no explosive just the dummy shell you know and we , we was quite pleased with ourselves being as we 'd got an audience .
15 Being as you 've got the money .
16 being as you 've got , being as you 're getting in er thingy vegetables
17 Yes , there must be be a reason and as I 'm sure , I mean like like the objective , and then what you can do at this stage in the design process is once you 've got the objective then you select those themes or ideas from your what you 've done just now to support that objective , so that when you come up my objective is to convince you or my objective is to inform you then the information that you 're going to give out supports that objective .
18 It 's that you 've got to put on , so
19 The other view is that we 've got a rule and we 've got to stick to it . ’
20 I think one of the biggest problems we 've got or I 've I 've had in the last couple of years is that we 've got so many primary schools that we get children from Spring Gardens and Western are now producing national curriculum information for which Marian has got .
21 It , but er the difference this is that we 've got a piece of fabric coming of there with a weight holding it down .
22 The good news is that we 've got the ticket agencies on our side .
23 And our belief is that we 've got money to pay you that 's why we do n't delay in paying you .
24 Erm they 're in no hurry to join but with this second period er from September or was it October and erm once again there is this idea that , you know , the tide is turning and they , they will now join erm they wo n't find it so hard to join as the rich peasants but once again they 're not as enthusiastic and maybe they should be but they are , they are helping more but er er and this is the key er for which you know Mao talked about later is that we 've got to get the middle peasant actually actively involved
25 Erm now the impact of those is twofold , one is that we 've got the overspend on the data integrity and the U A three , cos it was n't in the budget at all .
26 My view is that we 've got forty years to think about it and we can surely think ahead .
27 That 's how , you know , stupid it is that we 've got all these talented riders and we ca n't use any of them .
28 The problem is that we have got the balance wrong .
29 The suggestion I 've had is that we have got held in the budgets erm land acquisition , I mean it may be that we actually pool this the , the new land acquisition after the centenary , which might be erm a way of recognizing the centenary of the , of the parish council .
30 You , you ha you establish a rapport of listening for a little while to whatever it is that they 've got to say , and their troubles and their anxieties and I was n't happy that
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