Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pron] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 May I start by saying how pleased I am that you have recognised Michael Buerk , Alistair Cooke and the Today programme team .
2 And I I think some of the lessons from Eastern Europe are that they have tried to go from one old system to a new system at an incredibly swift pace .
3 For example , there was a chap I knew who was in Simon House and the rules of the house are that you 've got to stay off the drink , and unfortunately he had a slip and went back on it .
4 If you ca n't find these three files then the chances are that someone has deleted then to save space .
5 She said : ‘ The strength of my country in recent years has been that we have had no coalition , just clear leadership , a clear majority and clear decisions .
6 One of the major criticisms of these previous theories has been that they have tended to see their subject matter ( that is , rule-breaking ) as straightforward and easily identifiable — crime being behaviour that breaks certain of the rules of society .
7 So single-minded had she been that she 'd forgotten the presence of Mike and this man .
8 Once he had hit her so hard when she would n't tell him where she 'd been that she had had concussion .
9 Or , perhaps , it may have been that she had married him .
10 The attraction of Lucas Simmonds had been that he had appeared to be confidently , unusually , happily " normal " , good friend , good sport , reliable leader , bright chap , blazer , flannels and smiling face .
11 One of these had been that he had suggested going to the Isle of Wight on holiday with the same friends , every year , self-catering .
12 Since then he has been seen by the right-wing as Maggie 's prince-in-waiting , but his skill has been that he has remained very much in favour with the Major Government where his ability and amiability won him respect .
13 So successful has the state system been that it has lost only about 1 per cent of its operations to a private competitor under the system of tendering for the provision of local passenger services that was also introduced by the 1988 rail reforms .
14 According to Carl Chilley , principal business services consultant , the problem with distributed computing has been that it has encouraged the development of technology for technology 's sake , without real thought as to how to implement it effectively in a business environment .
15 By restricting the right to vote to fully accepted church members , political power in Massachusetts was placed in the hands of the godly men who had led the expedition ; those who had joined the expedition merely in the hope of a better standard of living found their efforts justified by success because , despite some difficult times in the 1630s , the labouring population in the colony by the 1640s was fairly certainly more prosperous than they would have been if they had stayed in England , and about 20,000 people had settled in New England at a total cost of about £200,000 .
16 For it hardly damages the contemporary legislature 's ability to work its will if judges decline to speculate about how to read cloudy rules from the dead past or what the intentions of people very different from contemporary legislators would have been if they had thought about a problem they actually ignored .
17 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
18 Cos you know to look at the bottom line of total design fees against what they would have been if we 'd gone in fixed price ?
19 What a long journey home it would have been if we 'd lost .
20 The excitement is in the expectation that , having been around and seen all that you can , the end product will be at least a little more interesting than it might have been if you had stayed at home .
21 Her death was a tragedy , but who knows what kind of disaster that marriage would have been if she 'd lived ?
22 He mused on how different his life would have been if he had met Viola when he was twenty-two , or rather someone like her , for she would not even have been a twinkle in her parents ' eyes at that stage .
23 As usual , Len had side-tracked himself , but what would his reaction have been if he had satisfied his curiosity and said , ‘ Yes , I have a mother : she is now living alone in a manor house in Northumberland , ’ and had gone on to tell him , why .
24 Yet there should have been if he had walked across that floor without his boots on .
25 There was the slightest suspicion of something behind her , up in the cockpit : a whisper of movement — not even that : a sort of parenthesis in the silence where a whisper would have been if anything had made one .
26 I do n't know what would have been if I 'd stayed .
27 How much better life would have been if I 'd known about that or used it ?
28 What use would it have been if I had gone into the lounge without something like that ?
29 Perhaps in his way he was the sort of cricketer I would like to have been if I had possessed the talent .
30 I often wondered how different my life might have been if I had had a wife and family to come home to all these years .
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