Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pron] had a " in BNC.

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1 But may be that we had a description , want to get the description out to as many people as possible , to see if anybody recognizes the person described , er then we 'd come to you there , give you the description of the
2 You know it seemed to be that we had a working rule that had functioned reasonably well over the years and all of a sudden he was tearing up various paragraphs that did n't suit him , and altering bits you know and changing them round just to suit the company , and all to our disadvantage .
3 Could it be that someone had an interest in keeping it alive ?
4 It can of course be no more than speculation to consider whether this total concern with instalment size makes people less likely to keep up conscientiously with the payments than they would be if they had a clear idea of their total commitment .
5 Or rather they would be if they had a side of slightly more than average demeanour .
6 What would my attitude be if I had a difficult or long journey to work ?
7 The UK government measures the lead in tapwater that has been running for several minutes , as it would be if you had a bath in it , and not the first few pints or cupfuls , as you would use for cooking or making a cup of tea .
8 I mean , the only way you could do that would be if you had a till at one end and people bought whatever they wanted and were given a voucher and you walked down the other end and exchanged
9 So that 's one tenth and that 's one tenth and then what I 'd like you to do is work it out as a fraction what fraction of how many degrees would it be if you had a tenth of three hundred and sixty degrees , how many degrees would that come to ?
10 Now the son , Paul , would replace this patriarch merchant , about whom the kindest words an outsider might have offered were that he had an ability to survive and prosper and stay as far away from conflict as possible .
11 Therefore , next time they spawned I left the eggs where they were until I had a new tank prepared for the adults .
12 And you were If you had a spare room you were all Well I think you were forced to take in troops and we had Elizabeth , a baby , and we had lodgers , nearly all the wartime .
13 Well what they mean when they say a half of a quarter is that we had a a quarter and we 've shared it out between the two of it so we 've got half to that each .
14 I know you 're not Steve but all I 'm saying is that we had a discussion about this earlier in the week .
15 The truth is that they had a narcissistic preoccupation with their own past ; any information they could glean about ‘ savage society ’ was eagerly seized upon in the hope that it might shed further light on their own origins .
16 The awful thing is that I had a chance to meet him .
17 ‘ The reason I rang last night is that I had a message from your publishers , ’ he went on .
18 this is rather what what it , makes it difficult is that I had a copy as well farce right , but do n't say farcical .
19 What is interesting is that you had a kind of real intellectual respect for intellectual content and expertise and professionalism in a way that previous programmers perhaps have n't .
20 While agreeing with this description of Hoccleve 's illness as of psychotic severity , our own evaluation is that it had a more depressive quality , many of the symptoms described by Hoccleve meeting the modern criteria for serious depression .
21 Erm I I think the only time that people might have slept in here is if you had a visitor who had a lot of servants and there was simply nowhere else to put them .
22 That 's cos you had a sort of go at it .
23 It 's like she had a multi-barrelled gun , and has n't just shot herself in the foot , but shot herself everywhere and blown her own head off , and no-one seems to have noticed .
24 Why I asked him is because he had a wedding invitation for Rob and Jen
25 and that 's a bargain , and se you know these reps would come round selling this that and the other and if , you could only see samples after , would n't touch it with a barge pole like you know , yeah I 'll have that , that 's all but that 's because he had a good grounding
26 Erm I du n no this is somebody else 's paper so This is before I had a I worked it out as I I th I thought it 'd work out a three- four-five triangle .
27 An added advantage that the deaf people of Glasgow had over any other deaf community in the country was that they had a regular ‘ Deaf and Dumb Notes ’ column every week in the Glasgow Evening Times , the largest selling Scottish evening paper .
28 The reason for this was that they had a different view of tradition from the locals and this caused them to turn to ‘ progressivist ’ ideas and to new ventures put forward by planners in order to effect an entry upon the local political scene .
29 All he knew about Somerset was that they had a cricket team and that the yokels drank cider and pronounced it ‘ zyder ’ .
30 The consequence of this policy ( already well established in many areas before nationalisation ) was that they had a virtual monopoly of electric cooker sales , other retailers finding the trade unattractive .
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