Example sentences of "[be] [adv] in [art] world " in BNC.

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1 We are back in the world of the Dead House , of simple Russian convicts and Sorrel the horse , their pride and joy .
2 It became clear that while Smith 's claim was logically valid in an abstract world , it was unlikely to be so in the world .
3 Tonight , tomorrow , later this week , you and I will be back in a world which tries to ignore the uniqueness of Christ ; a world where men and women are serving other ‘ gods ’ and other ‘ lords ’ .
4 Those kegs could be anywhere in the world by now .
5 It has a timeless , placeless look : it could be anywhere in the world .
6 But sometimes they ask things like , ‘ Jon , how many owls are there in the world ? ’
7 He remembered the ancient legends of the Guardians , the Brotherhood of Sorcerers who would serve and master if they were paid enough , and who would guard anything in the world if someone would employ them sufficiently profitably ; he remembered as well that the Conablaiche and the Lad of the Skins were abroad in the world again .
8 Yesterday Sampras and Courier were almost in a world of their own .
9 Yesterday Sampras and Courier were almost in a world of their own .
10 When a show is imminent , as it almost always is somewhere in the world , they spend over ten hours a day in the immaculately ordered studio at the bottom of their garden .
11 On the other hand , he wrote , if you do n't see this clearly at the start you only produce more crap and there 's enough in the world already .
12 In fact , there is nowhere in the world where an art historian 's ‘ eye ’ is as honoured as in Italy .
13 Then Rob Thomas spoke his name a third time and he was back in the world .
14 But by the time they both reached her bedroom it was clear that , whatever her first reaction , Mrs Browning was now in a world of her own .
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