Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Few organisations , though , are better wired in to City Hall than the municipal labour unions .
2 The original building of the Hotel Lapershoek dates back to the early 20th century when it was a grand stately home , and it has since been thoughtfully converted in to a very comfortable four star hotel .
3 Customs control on arrival is very lax so any spare parts are best brought in as personal luggage rather than sent separately .
4 In addition , many other categories of workers in the formal and informal sectors in all three worlds have been progressively drawn in to the global capitalist system by the simple expedient of severely restricting and in more and more cases absolutely destroying their prospects for selfsufficiency in the provision of food , shelter and other ‘ necessities ’ of life .
5 By contrast , the terms kinship , magic , myth and ritual , are devoid of any general agreed meaning and are not tied in with any clearly identifiable set of representative social roles .
6 Somewhat surprising is the fact that the longest hours are not put in by the women with the largest number of children .
7 The the the they 're not fitted in to any framework of stronger structures to back er the proposals put before us er er t today .
8 I 'm watching Chris and Dave fool around at a disc presentation ceremony , a routine they 're well versed in by now , and talking kilt tartans to Matt Cameron from Soundgarden , who were due to play here with Guns N' Roses the following night but the gig 's been cancelled .
9 It had been specially flown in from Duxford Air Museum in Cambridgeshire and for the veterans and locals of Parham it was a picture they 'll never forget .
10 Occasionally linen , holland or cerecloth would have been specially bought in for this purpose rather than sacrificing a useful item of domestic furnishing in an age when linen of any appreciable width was a luxury and worthy of bequest ( 'There are 4 very fine smocks in your father 's little linen trunk and one of my four breadth Holland sheets for your own girl Peg … and I desire your father that he will not let any of my household linen be sold , but that it may go to you and your eldest son and I hope to his son too , only some of my broderies of my own making give to your sister . ' ) .
11 At the new master 's decree , today was to be a day of merrymaking : workers from his nearby shoe factory had been specially brought in by charabanc , and a syndicate of local industrialists had also gathered for the festivities .
12 Our personalities and our capacities for relationship with and to others are integrally bound in with our sexuality and its exercise .
13 The needles are usually left in for about 15 minutes and are vibrated at intervals to achieve the required effect .
14 As a result , Computerwoche reports , the Dusseldorf-based company intends to spend less time and money on attending big computer shows , and in future will spend its cash on sponsoring staff and holding symposia that are more tuned in to customer needs .
15 Fortunately , I love to drive , although there seems little point in having the capacity to reach high speeds when you are bumper to bumper , even less point in having a CD player with quadraphonic sound when you are permanently tuned in to the traffic reports !
16 These have been partly filled in by the composer himself , but though the extra music written for Act 1 in the 1693 revival is included , neither ‘ When I have often heard ’ nor ‘ O let me weep ’ [ the famous Plaint ] … is to be found in it .
17 Not realising photographers are traditionally allowed in to run-through Kylie emerged on stage in scruffy jeans .
18 But these findings are also tied in with assertions about social class differences in domesticity which abound in much of the literature dealing with women 's place in the family .
19 Another frequent problem is that brood mares are often brought in from the paddock about a month before the horse is due to foal , and are put in a little paddock next to the owner 's house so that ‘ an eye can be kept on her . ’
20 Cards are typically sold in via a representative selling from a brochure and samples .
21 And I know that ninety per cent of your business interests are now tied in with Joey Bonanza 's empire . ’
22 The Germans who have been facing us all these weeks have pulled out and are now dug in in a thickly wooded area about three-hundred yards from No. 4 Commando .
23 Thus the propositional schema " x is a man " can be appropriately filled in by inserting a proper name , say " Jones " , in the place occupied by the variable , yielding a meaningful proposition whose truth-value happens to be true .
24 Nevertheless AFHQ was not informed that the Croats had been turned back until the morning of 16 May , and even then it took some time for the information to be fully taken in by all branches concerned .
25 Although Warhol 's images so perfectly captured the essence of postmodern cultural overproduction , he was too much the cultural entrepreneur to be fully taken in by it .
26 However , Crodh Mara cattle need to be closely penned in at night , else they will head for the nearest loch and dive in , followed by the rest of the herd .
27 This ladder may be either caught in at the beginning by transferring the ladder stitch to the adjacent needle OR the stitch can be run down as you work and picked up and reversed after the cable is finished to form a purl stitch on the right side .
28 Acceptance , dependence or rejection will therefore be inextricably tied in with the preservation of areas of activity which have given self-esteem , which are associated with a particular role function , which confirm the old person as the sort of person he or she wants to be .
29 Parallelised configurations are n't penned in until 1993 .
30 Instead of the dominant males moving in and taking over the females during the breeding period , they are simply allowed in for mating only and then driven out again .
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