Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately for IBM , its problems are not simply that it has too many staff .
2 And you and I can look at her and look at others and say well , we 're not like that we 're exactly the same as that !
3 Darrel , Darrel and Tom and that , I mean er who , are er erm if you look at them though they 're , they 're not really that I , I , I ca n't cope with it cos I , I 'm just calmer than that and I ca n't cope with
4 But they can only do that if they 're actually away that they , they are aw that they can actually do it .
5 and er they 've been back so that she can take her camera and that out , cos she kept cameras and er bedding and stuff in drawers
6 But surely the the , some of the burdens on the peasants surely got ta be less now that they 're no longer fighting the Japanese as well .
7 May I ask a question on the this er , the speaker said er erm that it will be down so that they on er er or no particular help on his accordance but o on these here , o on the ones this is n't the case .
8 So , apart from opening presents , they watched each other and waited for Christmas to be over so that they could resume their intense and private working lives .
9 So you had to be pally so that your owners help one another .
10 Do it when other people are around so that someone will see that you are upset and listen to you .
11 Now there was an are n't somewhere that you had .
12 They were so still that they might have been made of granite .
13 I do n't need to be reminded that it was the previous administration who put it in the structure plan but I also want to remind those who were n't here that I was utterly opposed to that at the time .
14 People used the underground and of course there were the , there were the erm Morrison shelters were n't there that you you had indoors .
15 ‘ Or do n't tell me that all those questions about Ryan were simply so that you could track him down and make him pay the money back ? ’
16 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
17 This is all so that we can produce more that we can eat , and yet for some reason the excess ca n't be sold off at reduced prices .
18 Since the final Munro has been with you all the way along , it 's only here that you feel you are now finally making your way towards it and the conclusion of the walk .
19 Residents had to wait a year before they could put in claims and it 's only now that they 're getting their offers through , based on the district valuer 's assessment of the value of their homes .
20 It 's only now that we are in the position where we can actually start to make the links , ’ said Mr Lee .
21 It 's only now that I feel that I could actually decide to have a relationship which is specifically going to be monogamous , which is a really big change for me … that makes me think immediately of AIDS but I 'm not sure .
22 I 've always got on well with adults , but it 's only now that I 'm starting to get on with my own generation , and I realise that I have to do that if I 'm to become a whole person .
23 ‘ It 's only now that I 'm getting to know what my best 15 or 16 players are , ’ admitted the ever-courteous Englishman .
24 It 's only recently that they 've been doing more good than harm and it 's therefore ironic that people have tended to give so much publicity in the last twenty or thirty years to the things that have gone wrong , to the disasters which sometimes do happen with medicines , because really medicines now , as compared with thirty or forty years ago , are doing a tremendous amount of good .
25 Well it 's only recently that she 's started drinking orange juice I know But she has n't liked it at all .
26 ‘ It 's only recently that I 've felt able to write about him , but the controversy about Down 's Syndrome babies has brought it all to the surface .
27 Second , he feels guilty about how he treated you and wants to make amends — something people often do when they find happiness because it 's only then that they can afford to consider how much they have hurt others .
28 It 's only then that you realise just what a dictatorship can be like . ’
29 The problem with British rain is only partly that there has not been enough of it .
30 It is only latterly that we have become used to talking about such relations in terms of power .
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