Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] and were " in BNC.

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1 All the fish stocked are extremely peaceful and were intended to get on well — as indeed they have .
2 Losses arising from the Gulf War were also sustained although these are now historical and were ‘ for the account ’ of HMG .
3 Since watches were for long the toys of the rich , it is not surprising that often when ordinary folk encountered one they were extremely puzzled and were even inclined to look upon it as something evil and dangerous .
4 In 1878 he pioneered the introduction of 2–6–0 type freight locomotives in Britain and , as consultant to the London , Tilbury and Southend Railway , 4–4–2 passenger tank locomotives , which were highly successful and were built in enlarged form over the next fifty years .
5 Today augmentations are rarely given , but in times gone they were less rare and were granted to such as Thomas Howard , the victor of Flodden , Sir Winston Churchill of the reign of Charles II , his son John , first duke of Marlborough , Sir Frederick Treves , surgeon to King Edward VII , the Boleyn family for providing Anne to King Henry VIII , Admiral Nelson , the first Duke of Wellington and the Right Honourable Vincent Massey , a Governor-General of Canada .
6 Soviet security concerns with respect to Latin America were obviously minimal and were confined to Mexico and the River plate nations .
7 It stated that ‘ medical evidence revealed cases in which injuries , whatever the precise cause , were not self-inflicted and were sustained in police custody ’ .
8 Pleasure and enjoyment were seen as natural , legitimate and God-given , provided they were not excessive and were linked to the desire for procreation .
9 Visiting women , on the other hand , were always welcome and were treated to leg-rubbing and purring with as much friendship as was shown to its new owner .
10 However , Soviet forces were still impressive and were being modernized across the whole spectrum .
11 She says the files she looked at were n't confidential and were freely available for consultation by any senior member of staff .
12 It was plainly much easier to join the legions of the wicked who were n't fussy and were rather more eager for recruits than the exclusive godfearing .
13 Professor Gordon Higginson , Southampton University vice-chancellor , who chaired the committee , said its proposals were quite modest and were bound to be implemented by the mid-1990s .
14 West Brom were then safe and were not too bothered about letting Stoke beat them to send Leeds down after the trouble that Leeds fans had caused at the Hawthorns .
15 Working-class Protestants had some material advantages over their Catholic competitors and enjoyed preferential treatment in housing and local government employment but these advantages were sometimes marginal and were not often felt to be considerable advantages because the Protestants did not sit down to statistical comparisons of their standards of living with the opportunities of Catholics .
16 Incidentally , the cattle of Landes used to be treated with great care as draught oxen ( they were never overworked and were given special headgear to ward off flies ) but were also used in amateur ‘ bull races ’ in which bad-tempered oxen and cows were teased into charging at people .
17 Caustic losses were very high and were rising .
18 As the sun went down over the trees , everyone in the squadron had enjoyed a hard day 's military training and , after a good dinner and some well-deserved beers , they were very happy and were looking forward to the challenges of the next day .
19 The legs were too wide and were chopped off at least three inches above her boots .
20 Looking back , there 's no doubt that we were too impatient and were unprepared for the major impact of the change from institution to community care on all concerned .
21 Fortunately the process is explicitly parallel and were it to be run on multiprocessor hardware then there could be substantial speed-up .
22 Professor Geoffrey Codd , a microbiologist from Dundee University and expert on blue-green algae said two cadets had been seriously ill and were detained in hospital for a week .
23 People had been very cold and were sloshing about in the mud from the day before .
24 He believed the reform measures had been too radical and were undermining the fabric of Japanese society .
25 Our American Allies were all out to see this job through and were full of stories of the RAF on the first trip which was so successful and were even more sure that the second run would be better .
26 The row behind leaned forward to ask what was so funny and were told the story .
27 However , after being refused passage by two ferry companies , they were forced to admit their load was not radioactive and were made to remove the stickers and signs before they could sail .
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