Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Because it considers that capitalist economies are fundamentally in dis-equilibrium and each regulation system which controls them breaks down eventually , its view of history does not include the regular and predictable cyclical pattern of long-wave theory .
2 For those who are mostly in bed or in a wheelchair , there are various types of bags , which can also be used at night .
3 Their disadvantage is that the less exotic goods like fittings are rarely on display so you will need to know what you are after .
4 The justification usually advanced is that the facts are rarely in dispute and that the judge who has witnessed the incident is the person best equipped to deal with it .
5 Patients , especially those with poor vision or mobility , are most at risk but so are staff and visitors to the hospital .
6 Of particular interest is the age distribution of the children and it is evident that 12 and 13 year olds are most at risk and this coincides with their transfer from primary to secondary school .
7 It strikes me that it is young people who are most at risk and who have most to lose .
8 The Scotch Whisky Association and its member companies fund research and support educational measures aimed at those who are most at risk or who are best placed to influence them .
9 You are most at risk if you strip off to bask in blazing sun after a year covered up .
10 Observation suggests that young people are most at ease and most open with adults who treat them ‘ casually ’ and as equals , who do not indulge them , act in a condescending way , or look upon them as something ‘ special ’ .
11 Consultants are often fearful that these new styles of service will lead to the quality of care of acutely ill patients on the wards suffering ; they believe that the focus of community work is away from those who are most in need or are concerned that if they work in the community they will lose the professional day-to-day support of consultant colleagues .
12 Pay attention to your hands and feet , which are constantly under pressure and strain , and you will find your whole body benefits .
13 Reporters are constantly under pressure and if they feel that stories must be double-checked on every point they will not use them .
14 Returning to McClellan , he also touches on the problem of titles which are so popular that they are constantly in circulation and therefore rarely available on the shelves to constitute part of the choice available to readers .
15 Rates in London and the South East may be prohibitive as qualified nannies ( NNEBs ) are much in demand but in short supply .
16 Large areas around Caithness and Sutherland in the far north of Scotland are especially under threat as there is enormous pressure for afforestation in the area .
17 In fact it had been only with difficulty that the seller had managed to get rent from Mr. Fleck who was still in arrears .
18 He 'd been all over town and had a few vocals left , a few guitar bits , and was rather disenchanted with the studio he was using .
19 ‘ Well , if you do , do you think any of them would have signed this form if it had not been all in order and above board ? ’
20 I am all for patriotism and international competition — the more feeling , the better .
21 The activists ' message scrawled on a wall near the ground is some way removed from the burning passions normally aroused by football , while the T-shirts are more machismo than menace , and pop songs peppered with heavy breathing are apparently in vogue if not in keeping with pre-match entertainment .
22 got back home and the post 's been in between time and we 've just got this letter for her to attend on February , I wonder if there 's , if you 've had a mix up ?
23 Within the crucible of the modern mind , the modern world-view , secularist philosophies are naturally at home and breed with alarming fecundity .
24 Until now , Offa 's Dyke had not been much in evidence but from Chirk Castle beyond Oswestry 's old racecourse there is a sizeable stretch .
25 But these skills are only of value when they are integrated with the purposes and interests that the learner brings from outside the classroom .
26 Awards , though , are not an end in themselves and are only of value if they stimulate the improvement process .
27 The first is a practical issue : domain dictionaries are only of use if the domain has been accurately identified in the first place .
28 Doctors are only of use if a — a person wants to be cured . "
29 The ordinary people are interviewed because they are representatives of the group which we are studying , and as such their characteristics , opinions , and so on are only of interest because they can be added together to present the general picture of the group itself .
30 Yes sir he told me that er would know because they ha had been together in prison and that he also had information that they had been planning armed robberies together .
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