Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] i think " in BNC.

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1 I think it 'll come but , well , we 're rather impatient I think when you look back over the past hundred years you see some massive erm changes which are quite unprecedented .
2 We 're most fortunate I think .
3 We 're about right I think are n't we ?
4 Oh they wo n't they 're too little I think .
5 Well all this new the regulations are fairly new I think about
6 So should voters , it would be rather absurd I think , well Mill thinks , that if jurors were expected to come to a decision on the basis of what they would prefer , would you prefer this person to be sent down or would you prefer them to get off .
7 But it was a little lane and there were all these allotments that were on this erm this little lane , and I 'm not sure I think my father had two .
8 Erm and er so you know but you 've just got to be slightly careful I think of the figures and erm i if if you know it 's much better if you can talk to the the
9 This other one in Johnston will be fairly pricey I think .
10 That 's gon na be really nice I think .
11 And it 'll be really good sort of like funk go with , you know , sort of soully music and so it 'll be really nice I think .
12 So , to be perfectly honest I think er you 're out of luck mate !
13 Well to be quite honest I think the reason she wanted it in Norwich was cos Glasgow 're over-loaded as it was I think and they had to learn new skills and staff support and therefore it might not be a good idea to have them as well
14 There suppose to be quite warm I think .
15 This is Debbie , oh this is , might be quite good I think I might go and watch this actually .
16 So erm we 're going to be very busy I think .
17 He comes home late night , one Saturday night , having been working long hours , not having enough sleep , she nags him and Madam he loses his temper with her and Madam , I am sure that you and I in our relationships same sort of stress in a different situation where , where we 've been nagged by our partners and lost our temper and pushed them about , or whatever , and we 'd be very surprised I think to find ourselves in , in my client 's situation had that happened , because what , what happened here Madam was that erm the girlfriend suffered some minor injuries , nothing to worry about really .
18 Oh I 'm very pleased I think you 're going to like fractions are n't you .
19 I think people who are liable to worry about their condition have a very very difficult time at three and four in the morning and er old ladies are particularly vulnerable I think .
20 Okay and the rest I think from that packet , are particularly gripping I think .
21 The flats themselves are , are quite big I think , and
22 I remember Glyn and the kids were very young I think some of the were born in Blaenau erm and they were dismantling an old quarry at there his brother W R from Harlech had bought it usa like a machinery merchant and Glyn then borrowed a lot of tools off me for dismantling it then we started we we 'd done a lot off and on together we 'd been in er I enjoyed working with him , he was the type of man very hard worker himself but he wanted his pound of flesh .
23 Coming from the north , er the appearance of the village is rather different I think because it is masked to an extent by the existing vegetation .
24 Now , what I have learnt at college this week which is rather interesting I think .
25 He 's so close I think he 'll touch me .
26 No she 's just smart I think .
27 ASFA I think it 's more helpful I think than C D rom is n't it ?
28 It 's more romantic I think .
29 It 's also good I think for , for cricket in general that he 's got a pitch that helps him a bit on the fifth day and that 's how it should be .
30 What i what is really extraordinary I think is the way as you say that in nineteen fifty fifty one , fifty one fifty two , they actually , actually changed the tax schedules so it goes not from the three percent of the bottom , from six or seven percent of the bottom and only up to twenty five percent .
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