Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Senior administrators are not above attempting to influence the shape of policy , but once the policy has been made they accept that it is their responsibility to bring about its implementation .
2 But no matter how we dispose of our goods , we are not in woodturning to make a living .
3 Essentially , they are glorified leisure centres — Butlins for the Costa Brava generation , a way of feeling like you 're abroad without having to wait for three hours at Gatwick Airport .
4 Similarly , people tend to assume that if they have heard of a band , then they are probably worth going to see .
5 Without Angela Morgan , at least two major clients were in danger of not getting the assiduous service they were paying for , and it would be well worth trying to see if one of them , whom he knew to be a fellow refugee from family life at the weekends , could be found .
6 The quartets are well worth getting to know and the performances by the Fitzwilliam Quartet , despite being 15 years old , still seem to reach the heart of the composer 's intentions .
7 Not that he was playing any flash lead parts but to keep a strong rhythm part going and sing at the same time is rather like having to twiddle both your thumbs in opposite directions at the same time .
8 It is only by refusing to move onwards that we truly die .
9 It is to be hoped that future research into the nature of language processing will continue to relate findings about the performance of both skilled and impaired language users on the wide range of tasks which go together to make up out ability to acquire and use language — for it is only by attempting to do so that it will ultimately be possible for psychologists to develop a comprehensive model of language processing .
10 That means that there must be some slack in the system , and the government will ensure that this is so by continuing to cash limit the NHS in total .
11 In characteristic style , Professor Tweedie is determined to stamp on loose interpretation now , before the issue gets out of hand , and is not beyond threatening to throw an encyclopaedia of rules at the profession if it can not be trusted to follow the spirit of the ASB 's principles .
12 With experience we control harmonic factors almost by instinct , knowing at a glance what is good and what is not without having to resort to rules and reasonings .
13 Learning how to translate unfamiliar letter strings into phonological form is just like learning to read non-words aloud , of course : and so a procedure for reading non-words aloud may be a crucial aspect of learning to read .
14 It is always worth trying to trace a specific witness if their testimony is important .
15 However , even if you draw a blank , it is always worth checking to see whether or not you can influence the external event that starts the sequence , so either while you are being hindered by an unproductive feeling or after an experience where you were hindered ask yourself : ‘ What external event has triggered this feeling ? ’
16 What is also worth exploring to promote discussion is ways in which dividends have been dealt with by the directors in that they continue to be paid despite the non-availability – profits .
17 If possible it 's well worth getting to know local journalists on a first name basis and to establish trust and confidence in each other .
18 The space behind him clears and he uses it , knowing it 's there without turning to look .
19 After the A453 and its attendant petrol station it is again worth paddling to lock 11 which is set between a container terminal and a sportsground lined with poplar trees which shed their downy white seed onto the canal in profusion at this time of year .
20 In my experience , it is seldom worth trying to establish natural plants , as these fish , particularly the dominant males , are destructive to say the least .
21 WAAF With Wings ( GMS Enterprises , 137pp , illus , sbk , £7.99 ) by Y M Lucas is essentially about learning to fly , but the difference is that all those budding pilots included within the pages are women .
22 I bear you no ill will , for well I found the tables entirely turned upon me , and that I was in far ore danger from you than you were from me for I was just upon resolving to defy all the censures of the world and to make you publicly and openly my wife . "
23 The London County Council had found that it simply was not worth trying to recover the cost of milk from the 25% of London parents whose income was high enough to make them liable for the full billeting contribution , since ‘ the few pounds they had succeeded in recovering over a period of several months were far less than the cost of its collection ’ .
24 He had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions , and was not above resorting to disguise .
25 Membership expressing real views , real concerns and John if you listen very carefully , it was also about wanting to see a delivery of the promises that were made about the merger .
26 There was a chink in the armour of his benevolence , Dougal realized ; and it was well worth trying to exploit it .
27 But , true enough , all Israel were brothers ; and as Rev. Levitt looked ahead and behind him at Cork 's Jews , in ones and twos or groups and households , converging on the synagogue to hear Karlinsky , it was indeed like going to take part in a family meeting .
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