Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One of the things that has been most useful has been our non-pupil days .
2 The four substances they are most likely to use are alcohol , tobacco , marijuana and amphetamines .
3 The vocalisation you are most likely to hear is that produced by juveniles when they are playing .
4 Independent events are those which are most unlikely to have been brought about by the behaviour of the respondent , such as a husband 's car accident which happened while the woman was at home .
5 Yet he was also obstinate , even perverse ; his translations would have been less likely to have been seized by the authorities had they not been accompanied by the contentious marginal comments .
6 They are sufficiently common to have been studied in several ancient civilisations , and are named after Diophantus of Alexandria who wrote a 13-volume treatise on arithmetic in about 250 AD .
7 This means that , especially when working hedgerows , if you begin downwind and work upwind , the rabbits are less likely to have been forewarned .
8 It read : I am so glad to have been asked to become Royal Patron of the British Deaf Association .
9 ‘ My dear Jane and friends , ’ he said , ‘ I am greatly privileged to have been asked to say a few words today .
10 It does n't require a great bite of imagination to see that the Germans for example would have been extremely reluctant to have been involved in a four nation project with a nuclear capability available as part of it .
11 I am not ashamed to admit being overwhelmed with nostalgia and a swelling in the throat on hearing ( or even thinking of ) that song .
12 What we are not entitled to do is to assume that our own mythological conceptions of him are scriptural .
13 What you 're not likely to see is the peculiarities of , of the person erm showing themselves and if they do show too much , the likelihood is that the rest of the group will start to erm freeze out that individual , regardless because they 're no longer corresponding to the to the ideals of the group and er so consequently , erm I personally have no time for group psychoanalysis and I would never recommend it to anybody , although of course , for non-analytic things like losing weight or in stopping smoking or drinking , there 's a lot to be said for it , but one should n't confuse that kind of group reinforcement with erm analysis , cos analysis as we 've seen is quite different .
14 We had to sort ourselves out 'cos all the gigs we 've done when we 're completely pissed have been diabolical , like .
15 They 're very expensive to buy are n't they ?
16 The empty chambers are usually supposed to have been filled with gas , which help to give the animal buoyancy , and via the siphuncle the animal can vary its buoyancy to control its position in the water column .
17 From this question we discovered that young men are more likely to regard being like their friends in behaviour and appearance and physical attributes as important , whereas young women are more likely to value qualities in the personality of their friends , like honesty , cheerfulness and so on .
18 As we have said before ; horses high in aggression are more likely to have been the survivors during the processes of evolution .
19 For typed input this can mean knowing the layout of the keyboard , because keys close to each other are more likely to have been substituted , inserted or transposed .
20 However , current research shows that early humans did not generally rely on a meat diet , but that plant foods were at least as important : far from being mighty hunters , early humans are more likely to have been opportunist scavengers .
21 That those unexpected interests in colour are still valid has been confirmed by Ryman 's ‘ Versions ’ , a series of sixteen recent pictures employing a thin layer of white pigment washed over coloured grounds laid on fibreglass , which were seen in Shaffhausen and at Pace , the artist 's New York gallery , in an exhibition which closed last month .
22 Banks are often reluctant to admit being stung , but the company involved could be committing a crime itself , according to one police expert .
23 Experience indicates that when investors lose money they are often unable to recall being warned of the risks involved and indeed may question whether the transaction was suitable for them at all ( see " Suitability " below ) .
24 Another way in which the icons are now easier to understand is because you can now include separators in the SmartIcon palette in order to group icons together .
25 I suppose the feature on this guitar that would be most difficult to miss is the distinctive string anchorage .
26 Dialectology in its traditional form is therefore principally interested in geographical differences ; its best-known data-gathering technique has been to send researchers ( usually called ‘ field-workers ’ ) mainly into rural areas ( where the speakers were believed to be less likely to have been influenced by other accents ) , to find elderly speakers ( whose speech was believed to have been less influenced by other accents and to preserve older forms of the dialect ) and to use lists of questions to find information about vocabulary and pronunciation , the questions being chosen to concentrate on items known to vary a lot from region to region .
27 ‘ What I 'm not prepared to do is commit myself to the club beyond that , until such time as a final plan , which I understand from the chairman was agreed in principle by all directors on Saturday night , has been formally ratified by all board members .
28 What I 'm not prepared to accept is that he 's entitled to lead a charmed life while others struggle and falter and fail .
29 I 'm just delighted to have been part of it all .
30 What will be more difficult to sustain is the expectation that labour should show total dedication to work now that lifetime employment is becoming ever more the exception .
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