Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They 're just longing to see you .
2 Channel nine on the telly , mhm , there 's the right one that 's all in the right places do n't know We 're not going to see it after all
3 But it was from the but they would n't they 're not allowed see they 're not allowed now see there 's another LAUTRO yeah yeah
4 She might think we 're just around the corner and that we 're not coming to see her .
5 So it looks as though our scheming is of no avail , though we are still hoping to see you here one day — surely our wild country must appeal to a shooting man ?
6 " I 'm not fretting to see him , " Jenny said quickly .
7 I 'm just aching to see you !
8 Only I wo n't be around to live to see it .
9 [ … ] nowhere , except Paris , is it performed better than here , and you would doubtless be well instructed to see me sometimes beat time [ battre la mesure ] and give the tempos [ mouvemens ] with Lully 's famous stick [ canne ] .
10 I dare say you were n't expecting to see me , either ? ’
11 Sometimes we took food for Dr Sambataro too , as his wife was not well and could not go often , but we were never allowed to see him .
12 Erm actually I 've spoken to Ian at erm Newark TEC , and he 's already arranged to see me tomorrow afternoon .
13 Everybody 's just dying to see her
14 ‘ Mrs Choak is here asking to see you , sir . ’
15 A wary duty officer said : ‘ A Colonel Armitage is here asking to see you , sir . ’
16 ‘ By jove , Miss Abbott , it 's simply topping to see you !
17 Much of the machinery is in working order and I was so fascinated to see it actually in operation that I was late getting back to the bus ; driver sitting with engine running , and the eyes of every accusing fellow passenger upon me .
18 I was really choked to see them .
19 ‘ I was n't expecting to see you again . ’
20 ‘ I have always gone to see her at Kensington Palace — well , I was n't going to see her in a railway siding , was I ?
21 The tape showed Anderson sitting , struggling to keep himself alive and to communicate with the outside world , but the world was n't going to see it .
22 I was so excited , I was actually going to see him , he was going to be there and so was I.
23 Whenever she told him she was never going to see him again he wept .
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