Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And why , thought Adam , sleepless and sore in his damp cloak under the trees , why am I here to fret at it still ?
2 Am I still covered under BUPA ?
3 P.S. I work for the Inland Revenue — am I still allowed to be a punk ?
4 We have an Amstrad DMP 3160 printer , which seems fine to me , but occasionally I could do with some fancy fonts and am I really looking for DTP ?
5 And yet , am I entirely satisfied with my lot ?
6 Am I there to speak on behalf of the council ?
7 Am I there to speak on behalf of me ?
8 ‘ There must have been someone else involved at some point .
9 ‘ So why 're you always fussing about what they put in the fishpaste ? ’ demanded Constance .
10 Erm as far as the drop tanks are concerned , does that have any impact on the range or are you just talking about the numbers that you will have spare ?
11 Or are you just going for the match ?
12 Are you heavily criticized for your anti-republican , anti-Nationalist views ?
13 Are you completely broke at the moment , or … ’
14 Are you easily cowed by people in authority and if you feel you really should say no , do you often end up saying yes ?
15 Are you still thinking about that nutcase at the exhibition ? ’ he queried slowly , his expression darkening .
16 Are you still thinking of selling the house ? ’
17 Are you still worried about how that boss lady 's going to react when you get back there ? ’
18 Are you still worried about Blue Ear Disease ? ’
19 Are you still conversing with that ?
20 And are you still looking for the thing where you go and buy and you give a fiver and it 's worth
21 Does your kitchen look like an operating theatre , or are you still cooking in a replica Sienese farmhouse ?
22 Are you still arguing with your finance function about whose numbers are accurate , rather than discussing the real issues of motivation , development , and cost effectiveness ?
23 Are you still working through past papers ?
24 Are you still spying on me ? ’
25 Are you really looking for a place ? ’
26 Are you really going to Jamaica ?
27 Are you more say on a more personal level , was it at all obvious during the lodge meetings that people who were out people were out , were under pressure to go back ?
28 Are you so trapped in a time of royalty and titles that you ca n't envisage a world in which a woman has obligations ? ’
29 Why are you so set against the idea ?
30 ‘ How are you all doing under there ?
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