Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It has been my privilege to see the best of England over the years , sir , within these very walls . ’
2 ‘ I have been a runner-up at United and again since coming to Villa , but it 's always been my dream to win the big one , ’ said McGrath .
3 Although 1/9 UDR in Antrim and 11 UDR in Portadown passed relatively uneventful days in their respective areas , another day it might have been their turn to face the sort of challenges met by 3 , 5 , 6 , 7/10 and 8 UDR on 30 June 1989 .
4 It would be my turn to get the good stuff .
5 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
6 Its mode of action is thought to be its ability to potentiate the defensive barriers of gastrointestinal mucosa .
7 Gloucester won 17-10 ; could this be their year to win the cup ?
8 To apply that principle here : suppose the corporation proposed to reduce the number of taxicabs from 300 to 200 , it would be their duty to hear the taxicab owners ' association : because their members would be greatly affected .
9 It would be you responsibility to repair the pipe , or pay for all the water wasting away into your garden .
10 With the new grand prix season just over a month away , Britain 's Nigel Mansell believes ninety two could be his year to win the drivers ' championship .
11 : - ) : - ) Seriously , this could be our chance to put the mailing list on the map .
12 This year 's 30th Anniversary could be our chance to make the 90s the decade in which groups shoot ahead .
13 Jack explained that it had been his father driving the car .
14 Trotsky and the ice-man had been his attempt to solve the problem of why he was still alive despite having been shot in the head .
15 While admitting that his testimony to Congress in 1986 had contained inaccuracies , he denied that it had been his intention to mislead the investigation .
16 Part of the reason may have been his desire to strengthen the Treasury 's hand in discussions about economic policy , particularly given Bevin 's desire to move responsibility for full employment policy to the Ministry of Labour .
17 Were his money worries the main source of his anxiety ?
18 in the " same " column , as being your word to compare the others with .
19 ‘ When is my uncle taking the horses back ? ’
20 When it is my turn to use the phone , I stand for a minute with two ten pence coins in my hand .
21 I want each song to have its own distinct personality , and that window is my chance to take the listener on a little ‘ Marty Trip ’ and let them listen to what I 'm trying to say in that particular song .
22 It is my privilege to open the debate on the report of the Select Committee on Social Services into the financing of private residential and nursing home fees .
23 When Sid Boyling gave us the light and waved us on , I read my brief prepared introduction and Mr Murray began : ‘ My friends , I speak to you from Melachusetuck , the old Indian name for Moose Jaw , and it is my pleasure to visit the studios of CHAB , your own community station , which your loyal support and encouragement over the years has made possible .
24 In describing each of the nine archetypes , it is my aim to uncover the forces which lie at the heart of their ‘ beings ’ .
25 But , certainly , it is my aim to show the work as it is constructed , the ebb and flow of the tension , the musical line , the many voices , and so on .
26 Wahono quoted Suharto as saying : " If the people want it and if I am entrusted , then it is my duty to fulfil the will . "
27 It is my intention to foster the formation of a body of people interested in aerobatics in Scotland , both pilots and non-pilots , with the purpose of increasing the awareness of aerobatics here and of promoting instruction and participation in the sport .
28 ( It is my intention to make the Library 's catalogue available on-line to all PC-users within RBGE ) .
29 ‘ It is my job to grab the chances and then it is up to Frank to take them . ’
30 It 's my turn to watch the so that 's
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