Example sentences of "[be] [art] house [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among other outstanding houses at Pompeii are the House of Menander , the House of Pansa and the House of the Vettii .
2 The next hurdles are the House of Lords ; the Danish people , whose views will be tested in a referendum on May 18th ; and — little noticed — the German constitutional court .
3 If it were , as is being currently assumed , an omission to raise points on which the House would have heard counsel , the most obvious forum in which to resuscitate the appeal would be the House of Lords itself .
4 The result was to be a House of Commons with a greater legitimacy in the eyes of MPs and electors and one with an ability to assert itself in its relationship with government .
5 But soon he discovered that politicians were more interesting than colonels so he arranged his soldiers as though they were the House of Commons and made them harangue each other .
6 If there were no House of Lords , there would be nothing to prevent a majority in the Commons from postponing an election by extending Parliament beyond the limit of five years .
7 The finest of these is the house of Jacques Coeur in Bourges ( 441 ) .
8 ‘ My Lord , that is the house of Yesugai the mercer , ’ he said .
9 ‘ What we are talking about in the future is the House of Wales , not the House of Windsor . ’
10 DURING the furore of the next three weeks of General Election campaigning , for Christians perhaps a few reflections about the institution which is the House of Commons — and especially about the men and women who are sent there — would not come amiss .
11 To what extent is it the elected representatives of the people , that is the House of Commons , who actually govern ?
12 What is the House of Commons to make of the reports of serious on-going disagreements between , on the one hand , Mr. Ian Burns and other most senior officials in the Home Office and the Metropolitan police , as represented by Mr. Bill Taylor , and , on the other side of this subject of how to deal with Ireland-originating situations , Mrs.
13 The ‘ court of last resort ’ in the English legal system is the House of Lords .
14 The appropriate forum for the correction of the Court of Appeal 's errors is the House of Lords , where the decision will at least have the merit of being final and binding , subject only to the House 's power to review its own decisions .
15 The highest court in Britain is the House of Lords , but when they sit as a court the Lords consist only of a panel of members who have long judicial experience and who have been appointed as Law Lords .
16 ( The exception is the House of Lords , the highest domestic court of appeal , which is not now bound by its previous decisions . )
17 However , there must be some element of regularity of business activity and the leading authority here is the House of Lords ' decision in Davies v Sumner [ 1984 ] 1 WLR 1301 .
18 To the south , across a wasteland which might have become a park , is the House of Science .
19 ‘ As far as I can see there is only one house that is easier to get at that way than by going through the town , and that is the house on stilts . ’
20 It 's the house of Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Bonnard . ’
21 If it 's a house for university then they only rent it out .
22 If you manage to break free from your attacker , run to the nearest source of help , whether it 's a house with lights on , an open garage , pub or shop , or a police or fire station-any place where you can find people , a telephone , weapons or cover .
23 It is a house of character and adds beauty to the centre of the village .
24 It is a house of harmony to my hand .
25 It is a House of God .
26 There is a house in New Orleans they call the rising sun .
27 Besides , if drug-trafficking was the president 's target , why was the house of Ramiro de Leon , the human-rights ombudsman and an outspoken critic of the army , surrounded by troops as the coup began ?
28 What was the House of Mandru like ? ’
29 No. 11/68 with its late Baroque façade originally belonged to the bishop of Prague , and No. 6/65 was the house of Alfons Mucha whose stained-glass window is so prominent in the cathedral .
30 In which year was the House of Commons first televised ?
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