Example sentences of "[be] [art] part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Do n't they realize we 're a part of the same movement ?
2 A few of the imported cattle were shipped wig-Holstein ( on the Jutland peninsula ) , which has never been a part of the Netherlands , rather than from Friesland or North or South Holland like the majority of the exported black-and-whites , and the Americans named their Dutch cattle ‘ Holsteins ’ almost by mistake , though for half a century from 1852 95 per cent of the black-and-whites imported into North America came from the Netherlands .
3 Although homoeopathy has been a part of the British National Health Service since its inception in 1948 , it has never been taught as an undergraduate subject in any of the medical schools in Britain .
4 Homoeopathy has been a part of the NHS since its inception in I948 .
5 Apart from these two central institutions of the court , the Chamber and the Household-below-Stairs , there were several offices , known later as ‘ the standing offices ’ , which had once been a part of the royal Household and had now moved to its fringes .
6 Stopping outside , he checked his watch , and was rewarded with a sudden sharp blast from upslope , followed by a rain of small pieces of wood and clay brick which had once been a part of the Bagi .
7 Such imaging centres have always been a part of the American scene , another reason why they are so much more advanced in their presentations technology than we are , but until very recently the only major European one was in Brussels .
8 The Posolskii Prikaz ( Department of Embassies ) had for several generations been a part of the central administration , but Russia 's relations with the outside world were still very limited .
9 The Railway has been a part of the Donnington landscape for 51 years , with its 10 miles of railway track criss-crossing the Depot .
10 Although Scotland has been a part of the United Kingdom for two and a half centuries , it has never lost its identity as a separate nation .
11 They 've long been a part of the river 's past .
12 Where was all the self-assurance , the sophisticated enlightenment of the classical world , of which Egypt had been a part since the time of Alexander ?
13 They are a part of the process , although I have never signed an artist from a demo without seeing the group play live .
14 They are not a part of becoming ill , which went on , generally unnoticed , beforehand , but are a part of the healing process .
15 Chichester Harbour straddles the county boundary with Hampshire and the harbours of Langstone and Portsmouth ( also Hampshire ) are a part of the same ecological and physical unit .
16 Such crises do not have an accidental character , they are a part of the very process of capitalist production and reproduction .
17 All we can do is to follow our inner guidance , realize we are a part of the Earth , and we will know .
18 But its beauty and its form are a part of the total economy of nature .
19 All these are a part of the conveyance of meaning .
20 The sexual drives and attractiveness of this body are a part of the magnetism which draws male and female together and makes possible the celebration of that relationship .
21 You must accept happiness when you can , not selfishly , but remembering you are a part of the world , of others , not separate from them .
22 The elderly do not always want to be on the receiving end , and any gift of food they offer us , whether it is a meal or just a pot of home-made jam , should be accepted with appreciation , for all such gifts are a part of the pattern of love in which they still wish to be involved .
23 A more satisfactory perspective , Wood argues , is to view the resulting production system as the product of a struggle between contending groups , a struggle which , moreover , is conditioned by the particular product and labour markets , technology , and trade unions which are surrounding and are a part of the conflict .
24 The basic theory therefore appears to be that the Communities are a part of the Union , but that there are aspects of the activity of the Union which fall outside the competence of the Communities ; in other words , the widening of the scope of co-operation between the governments of the Member States is not necessarily accompanied by a correlative widening of the powers of the Community or by a deepening of its institutional structure .
25 We have come here to disturb legends which are a part of the very soil of these lands .
26 These awards were produced in conjunction with the Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit , the DFE ( Department for Education ) and the BBC and are a part of the Basic Skills Accreditation Initiative to develop new qualifications for adults .
27 ‘ You are a part of the first forest .
28 Sterling eurobonds , which are a part of the international eurobond market described in Chapter 5 below , are normally issued as bearer securities and are usually unsecured but with a negative pledge ; they are listed on an exchange but not necessarily the London Stock Exchange and they pay interest gross .
29 But they are wage labour , and those performing them are a part of the working class .
30 couple of decades there has been an unparalleled interest in the occult and astrology and Satanism , and witchcraft and society at large , on the one hand it worships at the shrine of science and technology and then it turns and pays its cash , and it does pay its cash , and its homage at the signs of the zodiac , and at the other various things dealing wi or are a part of the occult .
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