Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun pl] to be " in BNC.

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1 These are the questions to be answered .
2 Power store are the ones to be there
3 This will help them to assess the reasonableness of any subsequent offer ; for example , are the vendors to be rewarded for any synergies or rationalisation benefits resulting from the transaction ?
4 The list is not definitive and must be adapted to the circumstances : ( 1 ) What is the balance sheet date and , if appropriate , what period is the profit and loss account to cover ? ( 2 ) Who is to prepare the first draft of the completion accounts ? ( 3 ) On what basis are the accounts to be prepared and what form are they to take ? ( 4 ) What is the mechanism for the other party to agree or dispute the draft accounts ? ( 5 ) What if the parties can not agree ?
5 It can be argued , to the contrary , that the more the courts are opened up to arguments based about the interests of the public or of significant sections of it rather than of particular individuals , the more likely are the judges to be drawn into political battles which ought to be resolved in the political arena and not in courts .
6 The central issues which require resolution are the criteria to be used to determine whether a capital instrument represents debt or equity and the treatment of instruments like convertible debt which will or may be exchanged for other instruments .
7 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
8 He used the following general equation to test for ‘ causality ’ : where t is a time dummy , Z is another variable that may ‘ cause ’ or be ‘ caused ’ by Y , t , is a disturbance term and a , b , c , d i , e i and f -i ; are the coefficients to be estimated .
9 Imagine that we regress the actual price index on its own past values : where the , β i 's are the coefficients to be estimated and is a zero mean , constant variance , random error .
10 That is , we can estimate the following equation : where the γ i 's are the coefficients to be estimated and is a zero mean , constant variance , random error .
11 How are the shares to be distributed ?
12 So what are the implications to be drawn from our study with regard to the implementation of the National Curriculum ?
13 How Are The Facilities To Be Operated
14 But precisely how are the results to be interpreted ?
15 How are the workers to be encouraged to go where their labour is most needed .
16 This accounts for the fact that on cloudy nights , when there are no stars to be seen , they tend to wander off course and may even get completely lost .
17 Why should he be jealous if there are no gods to be jealous of ?
18 There are no reptiles to be found here , but there are the bones of strange armoured fish .
19 It is not true that there are no choices to be exercised differently ; and because there are choices , there is hope .
20 Lots of machines have been nicely packaged for the market , but there are no bargains to be had .
21 Note that this keyword must be included even if there are no users to be granted access .
22 Note that this keyword must be included even if there are no users to be granted access .
23 Note that this keyword must be included even if there are no users to be granted access .
24 At this point there are no eggs to be seen and this series of ‘ dry runs ’ will continue until both fish are ready to spawn .
25 There are no fossils to be found on Iona — it was formed before there was life on Earth , 1,500 million years ago .
26 ‘ It seems there are no servants to be had in the country , ’ Mrs Peterson grumbled .
27 He paused and added , ‘ If anyone took them , they must have been clever — there are no fingerprints to be found , apart from the two nurses ' . ’
28 Its site , significantly , is visualized as private ; there are no buildings to be seen in the long perspective to the viewer 's right .
29 ‘ Apart from the appeals procedures on valuations , ’ said Mr Gaught , ‘ the other main area of contention will certainly be the discounts to be applied . ’
30 When studying possible reforms and changes in the law , will she consider that the decision to open on Sunday is taken not by local supermarket managers but nationally by their boards , and that if there is any change in the law they should be the ones to be prosecuted ?
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