Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Since the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD , it has been the synagogue that has kept the Jewish faith alive throughout the centuries even to the present day .
2 It seems to have been the case that attempts to defend their interests by knitters , wool and cotton workers met with a much greater degree of hostility from masters and magistrates than did those made by urban artisans .
3 That has always been the case and remains so , and it is true of the Bill .
4 In recent years it has been the guitar that has been changing most rapidly .
5 So if your if you 're an elder it 'll be very difficult to get up those very steep steps etcetera so it 's got disadvantages now it 's been run all sorts of ways it 's was run you know it was run as a as a wine wine bar it was run as a restaurant it 's been run as a bar it 's been run as a stage door club but all this all these ways have been run by private individuals it 's not always been the trust that 's run it it 's been run as franchise all these people have great problems actually making profit out of it and making it suitable .
6 This may have been the collection that has finally established medium to good pieces of this period as part of the mainstream of serious American furniture collecting .
7 Perhaps one of the most welcome results of its installation , has been the fact that hotplates , which can often cause dishes to dry out , can now be dispensed with for high volume catering .
8 Last night a spokesman for Scottish Enterprise denied there was any question of either its or LiS 's abusing power and insisted that they were not actively marketing Rosyth and it had been the market that has sought out the opportunities .
9 Instead the French star has been the spark that has ignited a dazzling new united era , while Batty has also departed the title winning Leeds side of 1992 to become part of Kenny Dalglish 's millionaires club at Blackburn .
10 In the land of yankees , trebles and accumulators , the Scottish midfielder Lou Macari has always been the player that puts the amble in gamble .
11 yes , those are the ones that seems to be the
12 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
13 Well yes it is certainly fascinating to hear the views of , of members an and indeed it , it 's tempting to go on I think about or personal experience of floods , but this is not the time or the place I would suggest to do that erm strategic planning seems to me has been the venue for discussions with Southern Water Authority with the National Rivers Authority itself , we are the committee that tries to look many , many years ahead .
14 ‘ You and Papa are the exception that proves the rule , darling , ’ Folly said fondly .
15 So when things are n't going very well , you see , the the the f these these are the chaps that 's got to do , they 've got to do the explaining .
16 And how we are the targeting comp how we are the company that specializes in certain industries because you 've got you you do industry by phone mobile phone area and medical supplies and you know your local as well .
17 ‘ We are the part that allows them to retain their customers , ’ Heggie says .
18 Inside you sit well , the trim is all that is should be but , after driving in some more modern interiors , are the buttons and switches as handy as they might be ?
19 ‘ All I hope is we are the side that goes up along with them . ’
20 As we pointed out in Chapter 14 , profits are the carrot that encourages firms to take risks in a market economy .
21 These are the highly successful , who must be encouraged to stay and to do well for they are the motor that pulls the rest up ; they create prosperity and employ other people .
22 The Russians had suggested that muons — particles that arrive in cosmic rays and are in effect heavy versions of electrons — are the seed that catalyses the fusion .
23 Mind you , its easy enough to giggle if your main sources for Fifties 's sexual attitudes are the Ron and Eth dialogues .
24 ‘ We are the party that has put the police back on the beat , ’ says the Indian doctor .
25 THE hominoid primates are the group that encompasses the apes and humans .
26 ‘ Ah yes , ’ he mused , peering closely at me , ‘ you 're the man that eats weeds .
27 they 're the things that 's got to fit in , no they 're not
28 If you 're the sort that finds it impossible to relax , the Samos is the perfect holiday base .
29 ‘ It marks you as one of the techno-crats — what a ghastly word — and they 're the class that counts .
30 He always says , and we 're the party that does n't quarrel !
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