Example sentences of "[be] [prep] be [vb pp] about " in BNC.

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1 If decisions are to be made about the deployment of resources or the implementation of the curriculum then they should be made on accurate and reliable information .
2 He 'll know what 's to be done about Meredith Putt . ’
3 I do n't know what 's to be done about my memory . ’
4 By contrast , if a decision is to be made about whether a pupil is to pass or fail an examination then a boundary would have to be set .
5 The Board has decided to change the rules to require duty solicitors to attend the police station where a suspect is to be questioned about an arrestable offence , when an identity parade is to be held , or the suspect complains of serious maltreatment by the police ; unless the solicitor can show exceptional circumstances justifying non-attendance .
6 What does he say is to be done about it ?
7 ‘ Now then , what is to be done about the dog ? ’
8 So , what is to be done about sexism in language ?
9 What is to be Done about the Family ?
10 One of the clearest discussions of these debates can be found in Elizabeth Wilson 's book What Is to Be Done about Violence against Women ? ( 1983 ) .
11 Specifically , what is to be done about the Single Currency and the related issue of the ERM ?
12 On the other hand , you know all there is to be known about me : born Bigley Road , Grays , in Essex , twenty-six years old , wife Alice … who says if she had met you afore me I would n't have had a look-in — and she only saw you from a distance . ’
13 Compared Angus Brown in Scarbus and confessed he practiced a charme by uttering some words with a string he held to his mouth which string was to be bound about the hand of the sick person .
14 Compared Angus Brown in Scarbus and confessed he practiced a charme by uttering some words with a string he held to his mouth which string was to be bound about the hand of the sick person .
15 He never damn well is , Donaldson thought , and asked what was to be done about Mrs Balanchine .
16 After twenty years in the force Hawken thought that he knew all there was to be known about the eccentricities of senior officers but he was wrong .
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