Example sentences of "[be] [prep] a large [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Climate Changer is an intriguing choice , since its business to date has been developing applications for the air-conditioning industry — its previous link to OCT had been as a large user of the machines .
2 Group pick up is very handy , if you 're with a large bunch of people in a large office , you can get together and say , ‘ Right , why do n't we answer everybody 's telephones if they 're not there , let's not just leave them ringing ’ , Okay , so you get together and you ask me and say , ‘ Right , this , this , this , this extension ’ , it could be up to 40 extensions , ‘ We all want to be in the same group pick up ’ , so what happens is the phone rings , but another one rings .
3 The laboratory of Davy and Faraday had been like a large kitchen of the early nineteenth century .
4 She began a letter a month after their arrival with the words , ‘ Here we are in a large mansion , in a large park , with seventy head of deer around us ’ , before going on to describe a house which contained ‘ furniture enough for a dozen families like ours ’ .
5 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
6 ‘ As soon as I am rich I mean to engage some of the very finest artists in their respective lines to paint figures into the landscapes , but these must be of a large size , and if executed in a superior manner will find many admirers ’ .
7 Would Gerry Addams be like a large company , a director of that of an organization , a large company ?
8 They like to be in a large practice on the whole with other veterinary nurses .
9 Anyone who has been to watch the Ryder Cup at The Belfry will know what it is like to be in a large crowd when there are only four matches on the course .
10 It is necessary for normal science to be to a large extent uncritical .
11 Their conclusion was that most of the road signs in such studies are in fact initially detected and that differences found between signs and the poor overall performance in the Johansson and Rumar study must be to a large extent a memory effect .
12 This intensive project will be on a large scale and will be glamorous .
13 I have been to a large number of conferences and met many general practitioners , including many from my hon. Friend 's district .
14 But whereas Futurism had been to a large extent aimed at and against Paris and Parisian painting , the Germans were content to remain on the receiving end of things and their work , in the pre-war years at least , had little or no influence back on French art .
15 Erm really this has been to a large extent I think a parish council initiative and I 'm sure all the members of this council are enthusiastic supporters of grassroots democracy in the role of parish councils .
16 There were also significant correlations with the actual accident statistics , r(1064)=0.142 , average weekday traffic flow , r(1064)=0.236 , accident estimate , r(1064)=0.278 , the time spent at the junction , r(1064)=0.246 , the number of vehicles visible in the film , r(1064)=0.201 , and the average speed at the junction , r(1064)=-0.118 , all of which are to a large degree measures of how much would actually have been happening at the junction .
17 Acceptance of an authority can be an act of identification with a group because it can be naturally regarded as expressing trust in the person or institution in authority and a willingness to share the fortunes of the group which are to a large extent determined by the authority .
18 Their significance is not only in terms of the group experience but also in terms of the wider society , for it is these ideas born out of the street-corner groups , doing nothing , that are to a large extent the ‘ juvenile delinquency ’ of the police and criminologists .
19 Medium-term loans are to a large extent funded by short-term deposits which have to be repaid and then re-borrowed on a continuous basis .
20 Physicians ' attitudes to attempted suicide patients are to a large extent negative ( Patel 1975 ; Ramon et al. 1975 ) and certainly less sympathetic than those of psychiatrists or nurses ( Ramon et al. 1975 ; Hawton et al. 1981 b ) .
21 In Statement B this story line is applied to the police force to suggest that the young white working-class men who enter the force are to a large extent preselected , and irrespective of recruitment and training policies are likely to be authoritarian personality types who flourish in a para-military environment and ‘ have a hang-up about race ’ .
22 His last owner found he suffered from many anxiety-induced health problems including cribbing , psychosomatic skin conditions , and chronic colic ; and also behavioural problems including tongue over the bit , reluctance to eat , fear of being in a large yard or paddock , inability to walk , trot , or canter properly , and sheer terror if he thought he had done something wrong !
23 They were in a large wardrobe .
24 The ensuing general election returned a House of Commons in which the reformers were in a large majority .
25 It quoted a Polish couple who arrived in Hungary yesterday as saying that they were in a large shop on the main square when two or three thousand people began chanting anti-Ceausescu slogans outside .
26 Saint-Jean-Baptiste is the culmination of the Basque style , being on a larger scale than other churches in the Basque country ; it shows that what , in villages such as Sare , or Itxassou , or Ainhoa , is a warmly communal style of decoration , can also be a majestic one .
27 Anglo-French affairs were to a large degree regulated by personal connections , not only at the level of the ruling houses .
28 Hayling 's left-wing politics were to a large extent the result of his background .
29 There were other problems which would remain because they were to a large extent independent of the problems caused by too restrictive a sexual morality .
30 He gave the impression that the agents were to a large extent out of DK 's strict control and that the agents were policed largely on the basis of responding to complaints and taking remedial action where appropriate or possible .
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