Example sentences of "[be] [prep] and [det] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Each of these aspects of the learning environment will now be even more fully under the control of the school than it has ever been before and this is the challenge to leadership and management in every school .
2 But I think we 've got to remember that the , the people who really determine the quality of the users of our services , the clients , it 's they who say yes , this is what I want , this is th this is what I 'm after and that is why I hope that we will be able to target on things that come out of the consultation progress s process , things like evening and weekend working that people want and , rather than simply churning out more nine to five Monday to Friday day care , what people want is it targeted to their needs where they are and it 's that sort of quality that I think is so important .
3 Well actually I think your quite right , but I think the problem is that the older reader reads it for escapism and enjoyment , its , its fun , but I think the younger reader reads it and thinks that 's what life is should be like and that 's when the trouble starts .
4 And I think you 've got ta address my doubts because if I have doubts how am I going to stand in front of members and say hang on a minute , I can give you all of these answers , I can tell you what unison 's going to be like and this is what 's been decided , now come back to me and give me your fears , give me your doubts and I 'll go and take them on to represent you .
5 Obviously , if we 're gon na be two big unions obviously Portsmouth is no longer going to fit the bill and I think that 's a shame because several congresses I 've been to and this is the finest weather I 've ever enjoyed .
6 That is what a T four bacteria is for and that 's what I am for , and I would suggest y ultimately what you are for as well , and this is why in the end erm nature will cast us aside .
7 No it 's the only business I think we get out there is from and that 's automotive .
8 The core of the business and the business development is at and that 's the main problems we 've been having with because not co-operating
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