Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am to be the new Archdeacon here . ’
2 Observation and participation in the installation ceremonies are to be the major tools of research and have been made possible by earlier field-work .
3 Great is the festival hall where you are to be the only guest .
4 Planning , social inquiry reports and enforcing court orders are to be the future task of probation , with an emphasis on the new task of the management and organisation of time , resources and workloads .
5 It is not necessarily romantic — that is , restrictive , unreal , exaggerated — to draw on the upper deck for the individual characters whose attitudes and decisions are to be the driving force of a story .
6 The Bootle coal mountains are to be the focal point of a demonstration against imports and pit closures tomorrow .
7 The loans were to be administered by a specially formed company under contract to the government ; but the government has been unable to secure the co-operation of the major banks , who were to be the chief participants in the new company , and the loans scheme is in disarray .
8 Top talks as if it rested with me to settle who were to be the Unionist candidates for the constituencies .
9 If £20 were to be the standard fee , which I support , then OAPs and the unemployed could get a £10 discount .
10 He points out that petrol is now very cheap : if , in real terms , it were to be the equivalent price of a decade ago it would cost over £4 a gallon .
11 There was a substantial issue of fact as to whether or not the elderly parents , who were to be the principal debtors , had received the letters written by the creditor advising them to take independent legal advice .
12 For the better part of the next forty years they were to be the decisive restraints .
13 ’ The black majority were to be the prime targets ’
14 The Symposium was at pains to stress that it was the black majority who were to be the prime targets of any campaign .
15 In 455 the Goths were to be the prime movers in his elevation to imperial office .
16 Strikes by Doherty ‘ s National Union of Operative Spinners , and in the coal fields , greatly alarmed Peel , at the Home Office ; and , in what were to be the dying days of the Tory administration , he looked unsuccessfully for a legal answer to what he called ‘ the constitution and acts of a confederacy calculated in its immediate effects to disturb the peace of the manufacturing districts , and capable , if allowed to gain strength and consistency , of being converted at once into an open resistance to the law . ’
17 These were to be the major elements of the action project .
18 Realism had flourished with Defoe , Richardson , Fielding and Smollett , and these were to be the presiding deities of the new British novel .
19 The first two years of education were to be the academic years , and there were proposals for these two years also to be seen as discrete and eligible for a Diploma of Higher Education .
20 Beneath them were to be the fascist Legions , the militant branch of the League who were divided into active and passive sections of members .
21 To many within the underground , and in the media 's eyes , in the years ahead Ferrier and Neville were to be the archetypal underground beautiful couple .
22 Whether NoS could be classified as ‘ Loony Left ’ or not , the majority of its council backers were to be the big names on the Sun hit list .
23 The years 1182–3 were to be the maker-break crisis of Richard 's rule in Aquitaine , faced as he was by so many enemies .
24 Movies had always been made about the past , of course , if not so very frequently about that immediate past whose primary unit of measure is the decade rather than the century ; but it was probably Visconti 's The Damned in 1969 that inaugurated what were to be the definitive parameters of a new filmic style .
25 Kawanishi were to be the main assemblers .
26 The local authorities were to be the main organisers of hospital provision , combining together in joint authorities to plan care in their areas , including the voluntary sector .
27 The second factor is of is the whole question of holiday entitlements .
28 With empathy , we try to imagine what it is like being the other person and experiencing things as he does .
29 It 's to be the usual passive wanks from now on .
30 The rational agent can then calculate the expected utility of each action by assigning a ‘ utility ’ ( a quotient of happiness , so to speak ) to each consequence and discounting it for how likely or unlikely it is to be the actual consequence .
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