Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [verb] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been off having fun too much .
2 But unions are for representing people properly , responsibly , not for using as some vehicle for your own political obsessions .
3 They are for estimating purposes only and should be assumed to have an accuracy no greater than + 25% .
4 I ca n't imagine for one minute what it must have been like to raise children here .
5 The world is a treasure house of free delights ; beyond music and poetry are painting and sculpture and these are only the arts ; the joys that come from the mystics compared to those from the arts are like seeing masterpieces instead of prints .
6 I could never move from my flat — that would be like leaving Percy behind . ’
7 All through the short plane journey she 'd been imagining what it would be like to meet Rune again socially .
8 Daisy nearly said Perdita could start off by weight lifting some of her belongings upstairs , but desisted because it was such heaven to be on speaking terms again .
9 This can be expressed very physically in the way breasts are now regarded as being for feeding babies rather than for making love , and most couples experience tensions over their sexual relationship in the early months and even years of parenthood .
10 The lifts were for transporting patients too sick to protest to departments on higher floors .
11 In cases where vegetables can be sheltered from a common pest by physical barriers , it 's worth gathering sowings together in one easily protected site .
12 It 's for recognising words rather than features or objects , visual .
13 You 'll never guess it 's for collecting gases so we call it a
14 Right that 's for measuring angles so we could measure these angles before we s before we start on the money
15 This is partly because access into council housing is through housing need rather than ability to pay but also because local authorities are the main providers of wheelchair and mobility adapted accommodation , with very little provision made in the housing association , private , rented or owner-occupied sector .
16 Wilko has nt a problem with buying players … the only problem he has is with selling players too cheap .
17 Nothing could demonstrate more elegantly the fascination there is in studying animals today .
18 Bernadette added : ‘ When I saw Farrah lying there safe it was like giving birth all over again .
19 The Frome was in smelling distance now and through a gap between overhanging houses she caught a glimpse of tall upright masts and rigging .
20 Here his skill in playing the bill market was often of crucial importance , as it was in providing funds abroad for such purposes as the payment of English ambassadors , the purchases of art treasures for the royal collection , and , above all , the transmission of subsidies for Charles I 's foreign allies .
21 Mr Major , unaware of the fracas on the boundary , was in fighting form too .
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