Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly the Catholic Church had a vested interest in Aristotelian philosophy , but much of the conflict ostensibly between science and religion turns out to have been between new science and the sanctified science of the previous generation .
2 Had the recommendation been for industrial action and the crews voted against , I have no doubt Mr Clarke would have applauded the triumph of democracy .
3 Well I said to er one lady who 's been for first time and she thinks it 's marvellous !
4 They were marching behind the others with great dignity , accountable as they had always been for good order and common sense and respectable behaviour .
5 Had it not been for splintered wood and debris Alas on deck , and a ripped sail or two , the storm might have seemed no more than a bad dream .
6 Kennedy might thus have decided that the question was not worth pursuing had it not been for British persistence and Foreign Office assessments which suggested that the Soviets themselves hoped that an agreement of some kind might result .
7 Both the village and surrounding countryside are worth some exploration and I was lucky as my trek gave me an insight into both .
8 The rooms are for 2–3 sharing and are all well furnished with private bath , shower , WC and balcony .
9 Some of the form and topical subdivisions are for general application and are known as free-floating .
10 The Seville variety is mainly used for marmalade , while the rest are for ordinary eating and cooking .
11 Beware of some proprietary brands — most are for preventative use and will have little effect against serious outbreaks of parasites .
12 The duration of local authority bonds is typically between one and five years , although most are for one year and are known as yearling bonds .
13 For most of his career Tolkien was a most extreme example of a man with this second urge strongly developed : he was fascinated by names , to give only one example , part of whose nature is that they are for one thing and one thing alone , very hard to reduce to system !
14 Four season bags are for all-year use and five season bags are designed for the kind of extreme cold temperatures you 're likely to find on winter expeditions .
15 The , the bright city lights that 's not what makes people uproot their , uproot their lives and go and move somewhere else , they are after economic betterment and that 's the driving force er behind migration so just before we leave the non economic factors what might they be ?
16 Mary says now : ‘ Accessing my past lives has been of great benefit and I 'm sure that if I 'd gone to an ordinary therapist , nothing would have been sorted out . ’
17 The state of the weather has always been of great interest and almost every column has a full account .
18 In our view , routine casework unsupported by an active programme of service development would have been of little value and would probably have degenerated into a frustrating cycle of ‘ patch and mend ’ crisis management .
19 Faith had been of certain mind but easier to please .
20 Any academic learning at Stamford , therefore , must have been of limited scope and only the rebel students and masters between 1333 and 1335 ever issued degrees .
21 They share the fact that they have all been of limited duration but , within that framework , one has been concerned with local skills training , four have involved modules contained within honours degree courses ( Typography and Graphic Communication , Library Science , Publishing and Computer Science respectively ) and one has been at postgraduate level .
22 The areas in which slavery or serfdom had been of marginal importance or genuinely ‘ uneconomic ’ — e.g. northern and southern Russia or the border states and the south-west in the United States — adjusted readily to its liquidation .
23 It is likely too that the priest tidied up and eliminated any traces there may have been of disordered thinking or language , as he almost certainly corrected any theological mistakes , for his own safety .
24 successive lines of type which are of unequal length and which are aligned at either the right or left hand column .
25 A very different type is found at Dun Nosebridge and Dun Guaidbre which are of similar design and are both built on a hill with precipitous rock on the south side .
26 A very different type is found at Dun Nosebridge and Dun Guaidbre which are of similar design and are both built on a hill with precipitous rock on the south side .
27 It can not be too strongly stressed that the subject of letters is all-important and that , even though they may be complete with the signature , they are of little virtue or worth unless they say something of at least modest significance .
28 Farnaby is at his best as a miniaturist ; his fantasias are of little account but such tiny gems as ‘ Giles Farnaby 's Dream ’ , ‘ His Rest ’ , ‘ Farnaby 's Conceit ’ and ‘ His Humour ’ are unique , and he was also a master of the art of variation-writing .
29 However , the issues are of central importance and can be simplified to some extent .
30 The disadvantages are that the chapters are of varying quality and with a degree of repetition that more editing time could have removed .
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