Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [noun] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The site visits are for Friends members only .
2 These figures include VAT , and are for loft conversions only .
3 The IMS 's final comment is important : ‘ If economic revolutions are about wealth creation rather than redistribution , this latest one still has a long way to go ’ ( ‘ Services : the second industrial revolution ? ’ by Amin Rajan , Report by the Institute of Manpower Services Group , Butterworths , reported in the Financial Times , 5 February 1987 ) .
4 I 've even been past Grey House twice to see if by any chance your car was there , to see if you 'd come back and not let me know .
5 There are of course passages where Klemperer 's gravitas is amazingly powerful , as in the first movement , but the first ‘ Nachtmusik ’ requires greater momentum if it is not to appear diffuse .
6 There are of course cases where the implications of ideas about communication have been thought through and subjected to more accommodating interpretation .
7 Erm modern theorists of human rights just start from the position that human rights are of course self evidently inherent in each individual , I 'm thinking for example of erm Nosette In the tradition of , of natural , in the natural law tradition which Locke erm erm shares erm there is a basic position which runs throughout them all and that includes incidentally even Hobbes to the effect that erm we do n't just have rights as individuals , we have rights for a very particular reason .
8 There are of course reasons why people do not set goals : they may not realize the importance of goals ; they may not know how to set about it ; or more importantly , they may have a fear of failure .
9 if you 're in Mrs class then you can stand up , if you can tip toe without faffing , go to your classroom , just Mrs class , tip toe , tip toe , tip toe , tip toe , tip toe , tip toe , tip toe , tip toe , oh very good Gavin , well done , look at that , his feet are going right , watch Mrs quick , best all day .
10 Over the swing bridge , first right , and you 're in Grape Lane where you will see the house belonging to shipowner John Walker where Cook lodged as an apprentice from 1746 to 1749 .
11 What the public should remember is that the murderers the rapists have n't gone away … they 're in Bullingdon prison now and pretty soon they may be housed in Oxford prison
12 The sooner you 're on income support again I can sign you up to one of these green forms , so I can give you some advice on that .
13 We 're on side B now are n't we ?
14 On the chalk downlands , which have been under sheep pasture ever since the Iron Age , something like the original appearance of a similar trackway has been preserved , but in the arable Midlands it must have disappeared fairly early .
15 This week parliament gave his policy its strong support , and most Australians are with Mr Hawke too .
16 Perhaps emphasis at this level has been upon soil evolution rather than upon soil dynamics , which has been treated in relation to land capability .
17 but erm he was on about certain aspects that he picked up from her , but having been in gypsy caravans round here , as when they were on Line Brook you see we were always at Line Brook for one reason or another
18 Firstly , I have been in football management long enough to know that team changes at this late stage will do nothing for the confidence of existing players .
19 I had been in television studios before but never with a live audience , so that was a bit different .
20 K aq is false because in the nearest group of worlds in which q is false ( you are in bed dreaming etc. ) you still believe that q is true .
21 " But how exactly can you tell that they are in harmony right here ? " asked Joseph , glancing curiously about him .
22 Fifty five percent are in sales offices now .
23 Although this has been an indifferent year for the club in the league , Hibs are in knockout mood again .
24 More important , people interested in temporary working are more likely to choose to be as agency workers rather than direct employees .
25 In all cases the premises ought to be defined by reference to a plan , probably stated to be for identification purposes only unless the plan is supposed to take precedence over the verbal description of the premises .
26 It was further suggested that the principal value of the new statement might be for reference purposes rather than for wide circulation .
27 These will be for family use only , but she 's branching out in the commercial food market soon with a line of American foods , with the help of husband Chris .
28 XEROX : Shakespeare 's silent character , hence the continuing confusion over ‘ Something is rotten Xerox in the state of Denmark ’ , ‘ Neither a borrower nor a lender be for loan Xerox oft loses both itself and Xerox friend ’ and the most famous ‘ You are disgusting , in fact you are rank , Xerox . ’
29 Remove leaves that will be below water level when flowers are arranged .
30 A writer in the Town Planning Review trumpeted that train-sheds were now obsolete : ‘ modern terminals in great cities must be below street level hereafter ’ .
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