Example sentences of "[conj] see [Wh det] [pron] can " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to call those young fellows in again and see what they can do about it . ’
2 So if I were you , I 'd nip over to the Company Health Club for a couple of hours , tidy yourself up a bit , and see what they can do to lick your wounds . ’
3 ‘ After I went to immigration ’ , recalls Rita , ‘ and I told them I was separated because my husband abused me , I thought they would look down on me and have more sympathy , and see what they can do .
4 Well at least he can have a word with him about it and see what and he can do , and then you go to and see what they can do .
5 But we do n't believe that those sort of problems can be solved centrally , we believe that local communities can look at their own areas and see what they can do to lessen the problem .
6 ‘ The only thing to do , ’ said Sam , ‘ is go to the house ourselves and see what we can find out .
7 We got our heads right round it , whereas before , like , half the time we was n't even bothered what was recorded or how it was done , it was always bang , get a groove , put it down and see what we can do with it later . ’
8 Come with me and see what we can find …
9 So let us now consider the constellations one by one , and see what we can find .
10 Let us now look at each of these kinds of books in turn and see what we can about how they are written .
11 ‘ Let's run over everything and see what we can put together . ’
12 Shall we turn over this and see what we can find .
13 Let's g let's go back to the cashier and see what we can do .
14 Erm let's have a look and see what we can we 've got .
15 I hear what you say , and I hesitate to make any further comment on that , given the current climate , but let's set about just examining the shape of the difficulty at the moment , and see what we can as it were immediately deal with ourselves , and what we can try and persuade other people to help us to know .
16 Do you wan na get , shall we go and have a look and see what we can do ?
17 If you have healthy young children , observe them closely and see what you can find out for yourself .
18 Note your findings and see what you can discover .
19 There are many ways to get into sex more safely — experiment and see what you can come up with !
20 And then carry on and you you try that and see what you can do with with that .
21 Go and see what you can buy and sell in the islands around here . ’
22 For my first as I put down in my erm blurb before , will be to meet you in small or large groups throughout the Euro constituency , and see what you can do to help me and to convince you erm that I will be a a good campaign leader , a good candidate .
23 Tagan , you , Darmid and Corrary take a walk and see what you can see . ’
24 If you want gourmet cooking you could always scout around in the village and see what you can get !
25 He 's er got to ring up and make an appointment then go and have it , it is , we are , we would like to invite you to have a look round our shop and see what you can do .
26 ‘ I 'll cable it straight to George and see what he can make of it .
27 On second thoughts , take Shaw and see what he can make of that computer thing . ’
28 ‘ I will write to him and see what I can do , but be careful , Hugh , be very careful ! ’
29 Before I regret the temporary arrival of my better nature , you 'd better let me make a few calls and see what I can do to get you home today . ’
30 I will , I 'll phone my publishers now and see what I can do
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