Example sentences of "[conj] going back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever that happens , rather than going back to the track I play something else that will fit , or I leave it as an improvisational section , so to speak .
2 And with that he started off , crossing the road and going back down the hill .
3 It 's exciting ; going back together and going back to a country which hopefully is changing .
4 In those few days between seeing my surgeon and going back to the X-ray department I went up to that chapel two or three times a day , I did my visualizations with all the intensity that I could summons .
5 He uses scientific methodology for both processes — forming hypotheses , testing them , and going back to the drawing board .
6 Head to the viewing platform and then turn right through the wood and go back to the field turning right down the hard path and going back to the Castle Bolton signpost .
7 I have been using the playhouse for about ten years now and going back to the point that someone made earlier about sex well about erm racism sexism is does n't that count as censorship .
8 And going back to the taking of the bread to the erm er bakehouse erm if there was a fire going they did n't do that , because they were baked in the oven , but in the summertime we did it more often than in the winter , because if there was no fire you see , there was no gas cooker or anything like that , all the cooking was done on the coal fire and the oven at the side of it .
9 Er about drugs and going back to the drugs , you mentioned about valium and problems
10 ‘ Oh , I 'm well enough , ’ Mrs Clamp said , shaking her head and coming down off the stool , picking up some more frozen burgers and going back to the freezer .
11 And it it it 's called the fog index but the thing that 's interesting about it is that I 've got , I 've got some interesting examples of fog indexes erm and you 'll get people like Churchill who sometimes made speeches and their fog index is quite small you 're going to use this you know example and they might have a fog , fog index that 's fine and what Anne and I are talking about with say something like the Telegraph or the Times or whatever , might have a fog index that people but this is because Churchill was very clear , very concise and going back to the original point about , or some of the original points about this , and I was mak raising these issues earlier this evening one of the great sadnesses that I have is that , is that when I first went into journalism the tabloids as we call them were incredibly well written beautifully styled , well researched and okay they might have been punchier and shorter and everything else , compared to the turning up the er the , the Times or whatever , but they were well written and you might have had , if you can put the fog index test , test on it you might have had a fog index of say six or seven compared to eleven on the Telegraph story , but it was still full of clarity like to read .
12 It had got rid of this , the old order and new power relations had been established and so it should n't be regarded so much as an economic failure but as a profound political and social reform , which is an important step towards the Party 's ultimate aim of communism , and going back to the beginning of my paper that how that they had always seen industrialization as a means to an end and that how that socialism and ultimately communism could only be achieved through stages and so that , although it was an economic failure , it was a sort of a social
13 I will be staying for the weekend and going back on the train on Sunday night .
14 So use the normal rules on the approach side for those , I E roundabout rules , but going back onto the signals again , on roundabouts like that do n't give unnecessary signals .
15 But going back to the influence of Hawaiian music — would the bottleneck blues style ever have happened without it ?
16 But going back to the 1944 triptych , you called it a base for the Crucifixion .
17 erm And we 've already lost planes in the erm war so far , and we have only a limited number there , while going back to the last world war
18 I normally make a note of the palette number and list the yarn names , along with the manufacturers ' colour names or numbers for each of the eight colours , in a book and find this is a great help when going back to a palette later , or when looking for a palette containing certain yarn colours .
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