Example sentences of "[conj] even if i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But no , I wo n't tell you if I lose another wife , or even if I marry again .
2 Or even if I have n't , Oh I 've got them have n't I ?
3 Perhaps because I said that even if I returned I should now be shot for desertion .
4 But as we made our way down through the trees , I realized that even if I 'd been better at baling I could never have carried that load : my forehead hurt , my neck felt stiff and strained , and the pine-needles on the path , compressed and polished by thousands of feet , were as slippery as glass .
5 I could not remember what she was saying , nor even if I had understood her , but I knew that what she was saying must be , in some sense , significant .
6 We attempt nothing in this school , and even if I 've bitten off more than we can chew here , it 's better to try — ’
7 And even if I 'd made a mistake I 'd be honest enough to admit it .
8 And even if I go to bed I ca n't sleep .
9 And even if I had , I would not have begun copying them .
10 ‘ I tell thee I ai n't got a bleedin' farthing and even if I had I 'm expected to be working .
11 And even if I had , I do n't think I 'd 've paid it much attention .
12 And even if I had known , as a DIA agent the only person I would have told was Control .
13 And even if I had , and wanted it , I 'd hardly keep insisting it was n't him , would I ? ’ she exclaimed .
14 However , I have n't got a copy to hand and even if I had I ca n't be arsed looking through it .
15 Now , he does n't say anything about penis envy in , in putting that forward and I do n't know whether penis envy was in his mind at the time he wrote those words and even if I asked him today , he probably would n't admit it .
16 He says , the wicked are like the tossing sea , and you know , as far the bible is concerned , the wicked is not necessarily the man or the woman who does terrible deeds , the wicked is not necessarily who is , who is a murderer , or a child molesterer , or a thief or or or a wife beater or something like that , the wicked is the person who rejects God , who turns their back on God , who says thank you , I can go through my life without , I do n't need you , I do n't even believe you exist , and even if I do believe you exist I 'm gon na do things my way , I 'm gon na go through life as I choose .
17 He put the gun sideways in his mouth to give him two free hands and I thought about trying to grab it off him but I thought I 'd probably kill one of us and even if I did n't I was no match for him and he 'd just take it off me again .
18 I ca n't rebuild without paying through the nose for the privilege , and even if I did build , getting rent is like getting blood from a stone ! ’
19 And even if I did have and had a mustard seed here , you still would n't be able to see it for a mustard seed is no bigger than a pin head .
20 ‘ That 's not what I want , Maria , and even if I did , what do you think I am ?
21 ‘ I do n't know , and even if I did I would n't tell you . ’
22 ‘ For a start I would n't believe you , and even if I did , to use your own word , tough ! ’
23 It would be good to see old England again and even if I did n't find her I could tell myself I 'd just tried that little bit .
24 ‘ I will not change my mind , and even if I did — ’
25 Teacher says it 's disgraceful But even if I had the time , I feel too tired .
26 But even if I 've started bring the putter out to me on the course .
27 But even if I suppress my reactions , this is how I feel , and , consequently , I have met few men in my adult life about whose bathroom habits I have felt entirely comfortable .
28 But even if I 'd thought , it would n't have seemed right to go poking and prying with her only just dead .
29 " But even if I did it , " said Clara , " I would be stealing the state 's money , would n't I ?
30 ‘ I do n't know what you 're talking about , but even if I did I would n't tell you anything . ’
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